
Hitler Timeline

  • Hitler joins Workers Party

    Hitlers enter the Worker 's Party an extreme anti-communist, anti-Semitic right wing organisation. In the German Worker’s Party he undertakes responsibility for publicity and propaganda. He changes the party’s name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, (or Nazi for short) The party represents a combination of intense hatred for the politicians who they considered had dishonoured Germany by signing the Versailles Treaty and exploiting local grievances against a weak federal government.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch.

    Hitler and other factions attempt to overthrow the the Bavarian government, but they fail and Hitler is imprisoned for nine months for treason. He begins to write his autobiography "Mein Kampf." It is a mixture of autobiography, political ideology and an examination of the techniques of propaganda.
  • Nazi Influence Increases

    In the General Election, the Nazi Party increases its representatives in parliament from 14 to 107. Hitler is now the leader of the second largest party in Germany.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor of a coalition government, where the Nazis have a third of the seats in the Reichstag. In 1934, after the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler becomes “Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor” and abolishes the title of President.
  • Reichstag Burns

    The German Reichstag is destroyed by fire. The plot and execution is almost certainly due to the Nazis but they point the finger at the communists and trigger a General Election.
  • Nazi Party Superemacy

    The Enabling Act passed—powers of legislation pass to Hitler’s cabinet for four years, making him virtual dictator. He proclaims the Nazi Party is the only political party permitted in Germany. All other parties and trade unions are disbanded. Individual German states lose any autonomous powers, while Nazi officials become state governors.
  • League of Nations

    Hitler withdraws from the League of Nations. In the following months, he trebles the size of the German Army and ignores the arms restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Re Armament

    Hitler re-arms Germany with the aim of undoing the Treaty of Versailles and uniting all the German peoples. Military conscription is introduced.
  • Munich Agreement

    British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain meets Hitler in Germany. Britain, France and Italy sign the Munich Agreement which gives the Sudetenland (the German populated borderlands of Czechoslavakia), to Germany.