
Hitler Timeline

  • Start of the Nazi's

    Start of the Nazi's
    The Nazi's were a minor political party that emeraged from the previous German government.
  • Hitler gets involved

    Hitler gets involved
    Hitler declares himself the Nazi party leader, he gave speeches blaming Germany's problems on certain groups of people.
  • Hitler is arrested and gains more support

    Hitler is arrested and gains more support
    Hitler tried overthrowing the government, but he caught caught and arrested. He went on trial, which led the Nazi party to gaining more support. He committed to making NSDAP into a party.
  • The Great Depression

    Because of the Great Depression, many German voters turned to Hitler and the Nazi Party.
  • The Chancellor Deal

    Hitler didn't want anyone but himself to be chancellor, and he got support from Papen, so after Hindenburg agreed, he earned chancellorship and the invite to form a goverment.
  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire
    Hitler used this to expand his power, and he worked with the president, which resulted in multiple articles being suspended.
  • The Enabling Act

    This act allowed Hitler to govern without reference to the Reichstag. Nazi's rigged the vote.
  • Dealing with Protestors and Presidents

    On June 30th, Hitler got support of the German army and on August 2nd, the president died and Hitler took control of the government.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler reintroduced the draft, and a year later he brought about the Four-Year Plan.
  • The Rhineland

    Hitler demanded his army troops back to Rhineland, in defiance of the treaty.
  • Anshluss

    Austians tried getting independence, but Hitler didn't like that. He had hes army cross the broder to get Austria and Germany running under the same government.
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    Nazis took over Sudetenland as a deal to not advance anymore into Czechslovakia.
  • New Foreign Policy

    Hitler proposed expansion into Eastern Europe so he could access new land and raw materials.