Hitler's Rise to Power

  • Joins Army

    Hitler volunteers for Germany army at outbreak of WWI, and earns distinguishments.
  • Begins Political Training

    Hitler is appointed as an intelligence agent of the army. He develops his oratory skills by making speeches to the troops advocating German nationalism and anti-socialism. As an informer, he is assigned to infiltrate the German Workers' Party.
  • Joins German Workers' Party

    While monitoring the German Workers' Party, an extreme anti-communist, anti-Semitic right wing orgaization, Hitler finds that he likes its ideas. Impressed by his oratory skills, the party's leader invites Hitler to join. Hitler accepted.
  • Full Investment in the Party

    Hitler undertakes responsibility for publicity and propaganda for the German Workers' Party. He changes the party’s name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nazi for short. The Nazi party represented hatred for the politicians who they considered had dishonored Germany by signing the Versailles Treaty and maintaining a weak federal government. These were grievances that many Germans shared, so they could easily relate to the Nazi party.
  • Speech in Munich

    Hitler spoke to a crowd of over 6,000 people in Munich. To publicize the meeting, party supporters drove around town waving swastika flags and throwing leaflets. He soon gained notoriety for his passionate speeches against the Treaty of Versailles, rival politicians, and especially against Marxists and Jews.
  • Hitler Becomes Head of Nazi Party

    Hitler is granted absolute powers as Nazi party chairman.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the Bavarian government with an armed uprising. Hitler and 2000 Nazis march through Munich to the Beer Hall to take over a meeting that was being held by three of the most important people in Bavarian politics. He then says that there will be a coup in order to overthrow the Bavarian government. The following day, the Nazis march in the streets. He is captured 3 days later, tried for treason, and serves 9 months in Landsberg prison for the failed coup.
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    Serves Time in Landsberg Prison

    While in jail, Hitler wrote most of the first volume of Mein Kampf. The book laid out Hitler's plans for transforming German society into one based on race. It announces his hatred of what he believed to be the world's twin evils: Communism and Judaism. He wrote about "the Jewish peril", which proposes a Jewish conspiracy to gain world leadership. He blames Germany’s main problems on the Jews. He writes about the importance of German expansion and nationalism. The books sold thousands of copies.
  • Hitler Re-founds Nazi Party

    As a result of the failed Beer Hall Putsch, the Nazi party had been banned in Bavaria. In a meeting with Prime Minister of Bavaria on January 4, 1925, Hitler agreed to respect the authority of the state and promised that he would seek political power only through the democratic process. The meeting paved the way for the ban on the Nazi party to be lifted, which it was in 1927. Hitler appoints party members to grow the party in northern Germany in the meantime.
  • Stock Market Crashes in the USA

    The impact of the American stock market crash on Germany was intense: millions were thrown out of work and several major banks collapsed. Hitler and the Nazi party prepared to take advantage of the emergency to gain support for their party. They promised to renounce the Versailles Treaty, strengthen the economy, and provide jobs.
  • Nazi Party Wins Many Votes

    In the general election, the Nazi Party increases its representatives in parliament from 14 to 107. Hitler is now the leader of the second largest party in Germany.
  • Hitler Runs for President of Germany

    Hitler runs against President Hinderburg in the 1932 elections, but loses. However, Hitler and the Nazis had shown massive popularity. Although he lost to Hindenburg, this election established Hitler as a strong force in German politics.
  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of a coalition government, where the Nazis have a third of the seats in the Reichstag. Hitler had insisted that Nazi members get ministerial positions as a way to gain control over the police in much of Germany.
  • Reichstag Building is Set on Fire

    The German Reichstag is destroyed by fire. The Nazis are almost certainly to blame, but they point the finger at the communists and trigger a General Election, in which the Nazis win 43.9% of the vote, giving them the largest number of seats in parliament.
  • Parliament Passes the Enabling Act

    This act gave Hitler's cabinet full powers of legislation for four years, and (with certain exceptions) allowed deviations from the constitution, making him virtual dictator. He proclaims the Nazi Party is the only political party permitted in Germany. All other parties and trade unions are disbanded. Individual German states lose any autonomous powers, while Nazi officials become state governors.
  • Hitler Militarizes Germany

    Hitler withdraws from the League of Nations. In the following months, he triples the size of the German Army and ignores the arms restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Night of the Long Knives

    Hitler crushes all opposition within his own party, thus eliminating any of his rivals. A number of Hitler's political adversaries are rounded up, arrested, and shot. While the international community and some Germans were shocked by the murders, many in Germany saw Hitler as restoring order.
  • Law Concerning the Highest State Office of the Reich

    The cabinet enacted the "Law Concerning the Highest State Office of the Reich". This law stated that upon Hindenburg's death, the office of president would be abolished and its powers merged with those of the chancellor.
  • President Hinderburg Dies, Hitler is Given Total Power

    Upon Hindenburg's death, Hitler becomes head of state as well as head of government, and was formally named as Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor). He abolishes the title of President. As head of state, Hitler became Supreme Commander of the armed forces. The loyalty oath of servicemen was changed to swear loyalty to Hitler personally. On August 19th, the merger of the presidency with the chancellorship was approved by a 90% vote. Hitler was now the absolute controller of Germany.