Adolf hitler

Hitler's Rise

  • February, 1921

    February, 1921
    Adolf Hitler at this point in time was getting really good a speaking in front a large group, in February, he had spoken in front of around 6,000 people in Munich. How he got everyone to get to this meeting was by two truckloads of Nazi party members to drive around and give out leaflets and tell everyone when and where this was happening
  • Hitlers Almost Betrayal

    Hitlers Almost Betrayal
    Officers determined to crush Marxism and undermine or even overthrow the German democracy centered in Berlin. Hitler was going to try and grow the Nazi Party and head to Berlin and across Germany but when he was in Berlin few of his committee members considered Hitler to be overbearing or even dictatorial so they formed an alliance with Augsburg Hitler came back and countered to quit and they said they needed him, because there would be the end of the Nazi Party if he had left.
  • How did Hiter Rise to Power

    How did Hiter Rise to Power
    it just explains how Hitler came to power and when he got to power