Jews lose power with the law
Jewish lawyers were forbidden to work as lawyers in Berlin and Jewish judges were also suspended from office. This causes all Jews to lose power with the law. -
Segregation in Education
Jewish teachers were not allowed to teach in the state school. In the schools, Aryan and non-Aryan children were not allowed to interact with each other. -
No Jewish Civil Servents
Jewish civil servents were dismissed from public office so they were no longer able to work for the government. -
Jews banned to write
Writers who were Jewish were not allowed to carry out any for of literary work in Germany meaning the Jewish community no longer had a voice. -
The Cruel Nuremberg Law
The Nurenberg law competely segregated Jews from Non-Aryans. The law included that:
-All Jews had their German citizenship removed
-Marriage ceremonies and extramarital sex between Germans and Jews were punishable by imprisionment
-Marriages that had already taken place were declared as invalid -
The temporary removement of Anti-Jewish posters
Anti-Jewish posters were temporarily removed during the Olympic Games which took place in Berlin. Germany did not want the world to know of their hatred and cruelty to Jew. -
Jews are Jews
Many Jew had converted to Christianity, and were baptised to escape Germany's discrimination for Jews, however they were still classed as members of the jewish race -
Jews stripped of assets
Jew had to declare their finances so that their assets could be seized by the German governement, so that the Jews had nothing and the governement owned them. -
Naming of Jews
Male Jews were forced to add the name 'Israel', and 'female' Jews the name 'Sara', to their first name, so Jews could be identified. -
No Jews Allowed
-Jews were no longer allowed to run independant businesses as craftspeople and were banned from running a retail or whole business
-Jews were banned from seeing cinemas, theatres, operas and concerts
-Jews were banned from buying the newspaper or magazines
-Jewish children were banned from going to state schools -
No Jews in the Medical Industry
Jewish dentists, chemists and nurses were forbidden to work as such under German regulations -
Homeless Jews
Jews could be evited from their homes without any reason given and without any notice being served -
Exclusion of the Jews
-Jews were forbidden to leave their homes after 8pm in the winter or 9pm in the Summer
-Jews had to hand over their radio sets