Period: to
Hitler's Restriction
Lawyers and Judges
Jewish lawyers were forbidden to work in Berlin and Judges were suspended from office. -
Jewish teachers were banned from teaching. -
Jewish writers were not allowed to do any form of literacy work. -
Park bench
Jews were not allowed to sit on park benches unless they were labelled " For Jews". -
The Nuremberg Law
All jews had their citizenship removed in Germany and marriages that had already taken place were considered invalid. -
All Jewish vets were banned from working -
Jews that were baptised and became christians were still classed as a member of the jewish race. -
Red cross
Jews were forbidden to become part of the red cross in Germany. -
Dentiist, chemist and nurses
Jewish Dentist, chemist and nurses were not allowed to work. -
Jews needed to declare their finaces so that their assets could be seized by the government -
Non-Jewish people were forbidden to leave anything in their wills for jews. -
Jewish doctors were not allowed to work. -
Jews could be evicted from their homes without a valid reason -
Emigrants were forbidden to take jewllery and valuables with them. -
Jews were not allowed to leave their homes after 8pm in the winter and 9pm in summer