Hitler 2


  • Born

  • Hitler's mother dies from breast cancer

    Hitler's mother dies from breast cancer
    Adolf Hitler sobbed when the doctor told him she was gravely ill and needed immediate surgery. A few days later, Klara Hitler, 46, was operated on and had one of her breasts removed. But the operation was too late. Her illness, malignant cancer, would slowly ravage her body. She couldn't make it up the stairs to the family apartment, so they moved into a first floor apartment in a suburb next to Linz, Austria.
  • Hitler Moves to Vienna

    Hitler Moves to Vienna
    Hitler moves to vienna to go to art school but is denied acceptance 2 times.
  • Hitler begins military service in WWI

    Hitler begins military service in WWI
    The period during World War I when Hitler served as a Gefreiter (Lance Corporal) in the Bavarian Army, and the era of World War II when Hitler served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht through his position as Führer of Nazi Germany.
  • Hitler is elected the leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler declares the reformulation of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) with himself as leader (Führer). He makes the declaration at the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich, the beer hall where he led his aborted coup against the democratically elected government in 1923.
  • Hitler is sentenced to five years in prison for treason

    Hitler went to prison for trying to overthrow the German government.
  • Jewish Holicaust Begins

    In January 1933, some 522,000 Jews by religious definition lived in Germany. Over half of these individuals, approximately 304,000 Jews, emigrated during the first six years of the Nazi dictatorship, leaving only approximately 214,000 Jews in Germany proper (1937 borders) on the eve of World War II.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chansler

    On this day in 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany.
    The year 1932 had seen Hitler's meteoric rise to prominence in Germany, spurred largely by the German people's frustration with dismal economic conditions and the still-festering wounds inflicted by defeat in the Great War and the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty.