Hitler Rise to Power

  • Germany Loses WWI/ToV

    Germany lost WWI and faced harsh punishments. In the ToV, they lost 12% of their land mass, military shrunk to 100,000, $6 billion in reparations, and faced the war guilt clause, stating that Germany would take majority of the blame for WW1. Left in shambles, morally defeated.
  • Stab-in-the-back myth OPVL

    Stab-in-the-back myth OPVL
    O: This image is a piece of propaganda that the far right Germans (in politics) used to blame the communists and the Jews for the loss of WW1. It was published sometime after WW1.
    P: The purpose is to blame the communists and Jews for Germany's loss. This idea provided a scapegoat for the German citizens.
    V: This piece holds high value for a historian studying the rise of Nazi Germany because it shows how the heavy anti semitism began.
    L: There is little to no validity for this myth.
  • Formation of Nazi Party

    German workers party is renamed the National Socialist German Workers party. 25-point program is drafted, displaying anti semitic beliefs, pro German beliefs.
  • Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler takes full control of the Nazi party, introduces SA (browncoats) to intimidate political opposition.
  • Weimar Republic and its fall

    Weimar Republic was the gov't that was formed after WW1. It was weak and lacked support. The far left (communists) and the far right (socialist) did not support it. The lack of unity and representation in the Weimar led to violence. The crippling war debt + political instability also led to its fall.
  • Mein Kampf OPVL

    O: Written by Adolf Hitler while he was in prison.
    P: it's purpose was to display the true colors of the Nazi Party beliefs. Antisemitism, a racist world view that deemed Germans as the superior race, and an idea that Germany was meant to rule over all of Europe.
    V: This book has lots of value for a historian studying how Hitler came to power. With the Nazi party beginning to gain support, Mein Kampf gave the people something to look at and support.
    L: conspiracy based against the Jews.
  • Nazis gain political power

    Nazis win 107 seats in Reichstag.
  • Reichstag Fire OPVL

    Reichstag Fire OPVL
    O: This image is a photograph of the Reichstag Fire in 1933.
    P: Hitler blamed the communists for the fire, claimed that the communists were plotting against Germany and the government. Hitler was able to use this to sway the people of Germany away from the communists and the left and towards the Nazi Party.
    V: This document has high value for a historian studying how Hitler rose to power because it shows the measures he went to and how he could get away with anything.
    L: no comm. view.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hindenburg appoints Hitler as Chancellor
  • Enabling Act

    Hitler has full power to make himself dictator, ends German democracy.