Hitler Rise and Fall Timeline

By Skorbu
  • Hitler's Birth

    Hitler's Birth
    If he was never born mabey thousands of people would not have lost their lives.
  • Battle of Arras

    Battle of Arras
    British attack with help from Canadian and Austrailian troops they attacked German trenches.
  • Hitler is officially a German Citizen

    When Hitler came back from Austria and still needed to get his citizenship back so he could run for public office.
  • Became leader of Nazi Germany

    Became leader of Nazi Germany
    On this day Hitler becomes fÜhrer of the Nazi Party.
  • Crystal Night

    Approximately 7500 Jewish shops were destroyed along with about 400 synagogues were burnt.
  • Approval of Manstein Plan

    This plan was to reserver army groups A and B to lose teh least amount of soldier as posible.
  • France Surrenders to Germany

    France Surrenders to Germany
    The Germans invade Denmark and Norway in May of 1940 taking over Luxembourg, Netherlands and Belgium on the way.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Germany attacks Russia disregariduing the peace pact they had
  • Assassination attempt

    Assassination attempt
    Tresckow, Friedrich Olbricht, and Ludwig Beck planned it. Stauffenberg brought a briefcase with plastic explosives in it to Hitler's wolf ware Hitler and other Officials were.
  • Hitler's Death

    If Hitler never died more innocent people could have been killed. He commited suicide, he first takes a cyanide capsule then shoots himself with a pistol.