The NSDAP Party appears!
The NSDAP (also known as the Nazi Party) emerged in the year 1919 as a very small version of the Wiemar republic, which believed that they should follow Hitler's rules strictly, along with using anti-Semitic ideals. -
The NSDAP Party appears!
The NSDAP was a party formed after the conclusion of WW1, which was based on the Wiemar Republic. They believed that their rules should be followed very strictly and had very strong anti-Semitic rules. -
The NSDAP Party appears!
The NSDAP was a political party that followed the old ideals of the Weimar Republic, but believed that their rules should be followed VERY strictly. They also had very stong belief in anti-Semitic beliefs. -
Hitler me up.
Hitler became the fuehrer of the NSDAP, or the absolute leader. In many of his speeches, Hitler would blame many groups that had influence in Germany signing the Treaty of Versailles, such as politicians, liberals, socialists, and Jewish bankers. -
Hitler starts his control
Hitler came into play around 1921 and would become the Fuehrer of the NSDAP. In many of his speeches, he blamed people that had influence of Germany signing the Treaty of Versailles such as politicians, liberals, socialists, communists, and Jewish bankers. -
Hitler Goes to Prison
In 1924, Hitler was released from his prison term for attempting to overthrow the current German government so that the NSDAP could take control, which caused a major spike in their popularity. By 1928, Many farmers, Small business owners, and most of the middle class knew and were fine with the NSDAP because they believed that they were betrayed by the Wiemar Republic, but because the NSDAP didn't really do much for them or the economy. The NSDAP also didn't get much representation in congress. -
Hitler and the Great Depression
During the time of the Great Depression, The Wiemar Republic failed to properly respond to the crisis. Because of the error, the NSDAP shot up in influence in the Reichstag. In 1928, they had as little as 12 seats, but in 1932, they had almost 230 seats, or about 37.8% of Reichstag. -
Will We Join Forces?
Around the year 1935, Austria would have its own small Nazi group in its borders. The Austrian Chancellor wanted to vote for independence, which caused pressure from Germany. Hitler then sent the chancellor a message saying that if they did not give up power to the Austrian Nazis, they would be invaded by Germany. The Austrian Chancellor looked to Britian and France for help, but after they refused to help Austria, the Chancellor gave up power to the Nazis. -
A deal of Chance(ellor)
As the NSDAP grew, so did Hitler's popularity in Germany. Hitler would already be chancellor of Germany though if it weren't for the suspicions of President Paul von Hindenburg, who refused to appoint Hitler and made Kurt von Schneider Chancellor. Eventually though, Franz von Papen believed that if Hitler would be appointed Chancellor, they could place very wise advisers around him at all times to stop him from doing anything rash. Paul agreed and Hitler was appointed to chancellor. -
The Hindenburg Fire
After Hitler became Chancellor, he knew that his power was still very weak because Hindenburg still had every chance that he wanted to cut Hitler off from his position. On February 27, this would change with a destructive fire that would burn the Reichstag Building. Nobody knew who started the fire, but after an amount of investigation, it was found that someone had planted flammable material in the building. Hitler used this as a way to invoke Article 48, giving Hitler almost all the power. -
Hitler and the Enabling Act
The Enabling Act is what really kicked Hitler's power into overdrive. He attempted to pass the act which would allow him to do anything he wanted without the Reichstag's vote, meaning he would have ultimate power, which would pass |444 for-94| against. The vote was rigged as many Nazi's would arrest anybody aligned with opposing parties. On July 14, 1933, Hitler would declare that if anybody had opposing views, they would be arrested. -
Who Protests Hitler?
Shortly after the Enabling Act was passed, Hitler would then go on to start the construction of the concentration camps, which were built to hold the Nazi prisoners that opposed the Nazi's rules. Hitler then would gain the support of the entire German army by killing some of his SA(storm-troopers) or Nazi officials. On August 30, 1934, Hindenburg, Hitler's main opposition, died, and Hitler declared himself Fuehrer of Germany, assuming complete control of Germany. -
Rise Up!
In the span of 1935, Hitler reintroduced the draft system to Germany. He showcased his four year plan, which meant that during the next four years, Germany would spend its time preparing for war. At the end of this, Germany had about 900,000 ground soldiers, 8,000 aircraft, and 95 warships. -
Treaty of Versailles, What's That?
An important part to Hitler's rise in power was the stationing of troops by the Rhineland, which was against the Treaty of Versailles, yet France and Britain didn't do anything about this move. -
Hitler Gets Hungry... For Resources.
In 1937, Hitler started to stress to Germany that self sufficiency was vital to Germany's growth. Hitler told the people that they would complete this by invading Eastern Europe was the best way to have self sufficiency because they would have more land and resources. -
Hitler and Sudetenland
In 1938, Hitler turned his focus to Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, where many German speaking people lived. Hitler used their language as a way to attempt to force Sudetenland under his control, when the British Chamberlain stepped in. He met with Hitler three different times, agreeing that they had a right to the area, forming the Munich agreement on September 15, 1038. Chamberlain then claimed that there would be, "Peace for our time," as the German forces rolled into their newly claimed region.