
Another Ol' Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler was Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler was Appointed Chancellor
    Hitler was appointed chancellor, which helps Nazis come to power. While appointed chancellor, Hitler released the Enabling Act, which allowed Hitler to gain more power and become dictator.
  • The Establishment of the First Ghetto

    The Establishment of the First Ghetto
    In Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland, the first ghetto was established, which were made for Jews to live in. The ghettos were an awful place to live in, having poor constructed buildings, dirty floors, and unsanitary conditions, Jews did not have a good time In the Ghettos.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    I 9141, The Nazis devised a plan called the "Final Solution". The would be the extermination of the Jews by creating Concentration Camps which was solely for keeping Jew in order to easily kill them off.
  • creation of concentration camps

    creation of concentration camps
    Between 1941-1944,
  • Period: to

    Jewish Resistance in Ghettos