Creation of the Nazi party
Hitler joined the Geman's worker party in 1919. Hitler placed an advertisment in a anti-sematic newspaper and moved there location to one that would hold about a hundred people. Members didn't acsect a lot of people but just over a hundred showed up.In 1920 Hitler changed the name of the party to National Socialist German Workers' Party, for short Nazi. This was important because it is what all of Hitlers power is based on. -
Hitler Named Nazi Party Leader
In 1921 HItler faced an unexpected revolt among his own Nazi Party leadership in Munich. To counter this HItler Anounced his resignation from the Party on July 11, 1921. Committee members were infuriated because this would mean the end of the nazi pary. The Nazi Party eventually backed down and Hitler's demands were put to a vote of the party members. The next meating Hitler was named the leader of the party. This is important because it is the start of hitlers power. -
HItler on trial for treason
The trial for the Beer Hall Putsch brought massive press coverage. The judges for the trial we chosen bay a Nazi sympathizer in the Bavarian government. Hitler amitted to the treason an d his resons of trying to over throug the government. The judges were sypathetic towards Hitler that instead of a life sentance he got a 5 year sentance with 6 months porole. This is important because it was used as propaganda and advertisment and Hitler got more atention. -
¨Mein Kampf¨ book release
Mein Kampf was not written in the usualsense but Rudolf Hess wrote down what hitler said during his years in prison and later in an inn.The book is about Hitlers youth, his early years in the nazi party and his futre plans for Gernamy. This was important because it gave people a look into who hitler was and convince them to support him. -
The Great depression
Hitler took the drpession to his adventage. With desspeerate people he The curent presedent and Chancellor called for a new ellection. The Nazi party took this to their adventage and started to campaingn. The peole were desperate and were willing to listen to anyone, even Hitler. This is importan because the desperat time gave Hitler an oportunity to manupulate the people. -
Germans elect Nazis
All Nazis from Hitler to the leaders of the smallest cities worked tieredlessly to puond the message of the restoration of Germany to its full glory into the minds of the public.on September 14, 1930, the Nazis received 6,371,000 votes. over night the Nazi party became the second largest party over night. This is important because it is the start of Hitler becoming in control of germany legaly and the start of his dictatorship. -
Hitler runs for President
in 1932 President Hindenburg announced his candidacy for re-election. Hitler oposed him by running for presidency himself. Hitler did not excpest to over throw Hindenburg. On April 10th Hitler recived 36% of the votes and Hindenburg got 53% of the votes. Gemany was now unsteady as the old leader was upagainst Hitler and Schleicher, an ambitios army leader. this is important because it is the first signs of hitler having complete controle of Germay. -
Hitler named chancellor
in 1933 Hitler became chancellor after an agument full of political infighting and backstabbing. This i simportant because it is the first half of Hitler being in toral control of Gemany. -
The Reichstag Burns
Göring and Goebbels, with Hitler's approval, made a plan to burning the Reichstag building and blaming the Communists. Nazi storm troopers under the direction of Göring were also involved in torching the place. They entered the building, scattered gasoline and incendiaries, then hurried back through the tunnel. This is important beacuse it gave Hitler another wasy to campain against th comunists. -
Hitler becomes dictator
Hitler's enabling act or the "Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich," If passed, it would in effect vote democracy out of existence in Germany and establish the legal dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. The for this act was 441 for, and only 84, the Social Democrats, against. HItler was offisally dictator. This was important because It is the event in where Hitler became dictator.