James Watts
(1736-1819) James Watt was a Scottish inventor who made improvements to the steam engine during the late 1700s. Soon, factories and mining companies began to use Watt's new- and- improved steam engine for their machinery. This helped jumpstart the Industrial Revolution, a period in the early 1800s that saw many new machines invented and an increase in the number of factories. After his death, Watt's name was used to describe the electrical unit of power -
Alessandro Volta
Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) Using zinc, copper and cardboard, this Italian professor invented the first battery. Volta's treabty produced a reliable, steady current of electricity. The unit of voltage is now named after Volta -
André-Marie Ampère
André-Marie Ampère(1775-1836), a French
physicist and science teacher,
played a big role in discovering
electromagnetism. He also helped
describe a way to measure the
flow of electricity. The ampere,
which is the unit for measuring
electric current, was named in
honour of him. -
Georg Ohm
German physicist and teacher Georg
Ohm researched the relationship
between voltage, current and
resistance. In 1827, he proved that
the amount of electrical current
that can flow through a substance
depends on its resistance to
electrical flow. This is known as
Ohm’s Law.