Histoy Timeline

By QQQ777
  • The prototype for the U.S. Constitution

    A group of English Puritans arrived in Plymouth Harbor on the Mayflower, and the Mayflower Compact is signed, becoming the prototype for the U.S. Constitution.
  • The establishment of the Dutch colony

    the establishment of the Dutch colony near New York
  • The first university in North America

    Harvard University is founded, the first university in North America.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion against harsh taxes breaks out in the Virginia colony.
  • The establishment of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia

    discovery of the Mississippi River by French colonists; establishment of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia.
  • Salem witch case

    Salem witch case
  • The founding of New Orleans by the French

    founding of New Orleans by the French.
  • The Seven Years' War between Britain and France spreads to North America, where Britain, France and the native tribes begin to mingle.

    the Seven Years' War between Britain and France spreads to North America, where Britain, France and the native tribes begin to mingle.
  • British Stamp Act causes public outrage in the North American Colonies.

    British Stamp Act causes public outrage in the North American Colonies.
  • The Boston Tea Dumping Incident

    the Boston Tea Dumping Incident.
  • 13 colonies issued declarations of independence and waged a war of independence against Britain.

    13 colonies issued declarations of independence and waged a war of independence against Britain.
  • The name "United States of America" was established

    The name "United States of America" was established.
  • Defeat of Great Britain and independence of the United States.

    the defeat of Great Britain and the independence of the United States.