

  • 900 BCE

    Burned Palace (Toltecs)

    Burned Palace (Toltecs)
    -Is composed of three large rooms.
    -The roof was supported by colonnades.
    -In each room an “impluvium” or open inner courtyard was built, which functioned as a water collector, ventilation area and light entry.
    -Materials: clay bricks, wooden beams, otates, volcanic stone.
    -Rectangular floor, located at the top of the large platform.
  • 683 BCE

    Temple of Inscriptions (Mayas)

    Temple of Inscriptions (Mayas)
    -A single steep staircase that climbs 9 levels to the top.
    -Top platform topped by a single structure with several chambers.
    -Originally colored
    -Chamfer or deep horizontal groove running around each platform
    -Rounded inset corners.
  • 400 BCE

    La venta (Olmecs)

    La venta (Olmecs)
    Great Pyramid was the largest Mesoamerican structure of its time.
    -34m above the natural landscape.
    -It contains an estimated 100,000 cubic meters of earth fill.
    -It is aligned in north-south axes.
    -Constructed out of clay.
    -The structure is built on top of a closed-in platform-
  • 150 BCE

    Pyramid of the moon (Teotihuacans)

    Pyramid of the moon (Teotihuacans)
    -Height 43m
    -Talud tablero
    -Stone covered with stucco
    -Rectangular plant with about 280 square meters