History WWI Timeline

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during a visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. This event untimely led to WWI.
  • Battle of the Falkland Island

    Battle of the Falkland Island
    The Germans set out an attack on the British. The Germans were pleasantly surprised when they showed up and the British had a superior navy. Nearly 2,000 german sailors were killed
  • Unofficial Christmas Truce

    The Germans and The Britsh made a truce on Christmas Eve and on Christmas day. The Germans and The British sung Christmas carols and they could hear each other across the lines. The Germans walked across no man's land unarmed saying "Merry Christmas" The British came out of there trenches and sung Christmas carols, exchanged cigarettes as presents, and even played a good-spirited game of soccer with The Germans
  • Germans Shot Chlorine Gas at Allied Lines

    Germans Shot Chlorine Gas at Allied Lines
    The Germans fired shells filled with chlorine gas at allied lines. This was the first time large amounts of gas were used in battle. This nearly destroyed French lines. The Germans didn't capitalize on this opportunity.
  • Germans Sink Lusitania

    Germans Sink Lusitania
    A German submarine sunk The Lusitania and killed 128 Americans. This sparked a feud between Germany and The United States. The Germans thought that The United States was secretly sending supplies to the allied forces.
  • The British Deploy the First Tanks

    The British Deploy the First Tanks
    The British were the first to deploy tanks in the war. They weren't very good. Most of the tanks broke down but some got through.
  • Veteran: Frank Drove Injured Soldiers To Hospitals

    Veteran: Frank Drove Injured Soldiers To Hospitals
    He drove soldiers around that got injured in the war. He was dispatched in France to do this. He drove an ambulance, he didn't belong to one unit either
  • Veteran: Frank went AWOL

    Veteran: Frank went AWOL
    He went on a trip during service. He had no permission and he just left with a few friends they were gone for days. When they returned
    they had to face consequences and discipline.
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    Veteran: Frank got moved

    Frank was originally located in France as an ambulance driver for people that got injured in the war. He then got moved/promoted to a prison guard in a german war camp.
  • The Germans Sent Out a Telegraph

    The Germans Sent Out a Telegraph
    The Germans sent a telegram to Mexico basically saying to attack the U.S. so they don't focus on the war going on in Europe. The allies intercepted this message. The U.S. got furious over this message and this was a stepping stone for Americans joining the war.
  • The U.S. Enters the War

    The U.S. Enters the War
    The U.S. ultimately joined the war because of the telegraph incident with Germany. The US joined the allied forces. The Allied Forces consisted of France, Britain, and Russia.
  • Veteran: Frank almost got into a fight

    Veteran: Frank almost got into a fight
    Frank Buckles almost got into a fight with two prisoner germans. He knew if he fought them he would have been in big trouble with the higher authorities. The Prisoners demanded things from him and he wasn't having it.
  • Veteran: Frank got shot at by a French

    Veteran: Frank got shot at by a French
    Frank would run for exercise every time he stopped for something. He was by and freight train and he saw someone with their hand out.He then got pulled into a freight train by a german. A French guard saw this and took a shot at them. He thought the German got killed but years later he found out that he didn't.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    The Battle of Cantigny was the first major battle the U.S. participated in. 4,000 United States soldiers captured the village of Cantigny which is in Germany. There were 1,000 American causalities.
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    Battle of Belleau

    The U.S. attacked the Germans at Belleau Wood. The U.S. attacked the Germans many times. The Germans weren't backing down. They came at the U.S. with machine guns, artillery, and gas. This caused 10,000 plus Americans wounded, dead, or missing.