History WW2

  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Rome-Berlin pact is created

  • The Anti-Comintern pact is signed

  • Japan invasion on China

  • The Anschluss is done

  • Beging of WW2

  • Invasion of Poland

  • France & Great Britan declare war on Germany

  • Winston Churchill becomes leader of the British goverment

  • Italy enters the Axis Powers

  • Germany, Italy and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact creating the Axis Aliance

  • The Japanese attack the US navy in Pearl Harbor, the US enters WW2 on the allies

  • Italy surrenders, but Mussolini is helped by Hitler to escape

  • Paris is liberated from German control

  • The US third army crosses the Rhine river

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide.

  • The US drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima

  • Another atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki