Apr 17, 1200
Sea Raiders destroyed the Mycenaeans palaces. -
Solon, an Athenian, leader, removed some of the laws that the poor did not like, such as debt slavery. -
E-About 5,000 years ago, King Menes ruled Upper Egypt, at the base of the mountains. He conquered Lower Egypt. These two regions were combined into one country. But it didn't help. The people kept fighting amongst themselves. To help his people think of themselves as one people, the king had a special crown made, a double crown. It was not white. It was not red. It was a mix of white and red. -
M-Mesopotamia is a Greek word meaning 'between the rivers'. The rivers are the Tigris and Euphrates which flow through modern Iraq. Mesopotamia is made up of different regions, each with its own geography. The geography of each area and the natural resources found there affected the ways that people lived. Northern Mesopotamia is made up of hills and plains. Southern Mesopotamia is made up of marshy areas and wide, flat, barren plains. -
M-Chariots were one of the wheeled vehicles that the Mesopotamian people invented. Wheels helped transport them instead of walking everywhere. This was helpful, expecially in taking royal people different places. Since wheels roll they are easy to pull and so, the Mesopotamians decided to attach them to vehicles. -
M-During this period, bronze supplanted copper as the material from which tools and weapons were made. The rise of the city-state laid the foundation for economic and political stability which would eventually lead to the rise of the Akkadian Empire (2350 BCE) and the rapid growth of the cities of Akkad and Mari, two of the most prosperous urban centers of the time. -
Meso Political
M-Around 4000 BCE a people called Sumerians moved into Mesopotamia, perhaps from around the Caspian Sea. By 3800 BCE the Sumerians had supplanted the Ubaidians and Semites in southern Mesopotamia. They built better canals for irrigating crops and for transporting crops by boat to village centers. They improved their roads, over which their donkeys trod, some of their donkeys pulling wheeled carts. -
M-Domestication of the horse. Although horses appeared in Paleolithic cave art as early as 30,000 BCE, these were truly wild horses and were probably hunted for meat. How and when horses became domesticated is disputed.