
History Unit 4 Timeline

  • Lowell Massachusetts Girls Labor Strike

    Lowell Massachusetts Girls Labor Strike
    In 1813, the American textil industry leaped forword all because Francis Cabot Lowell built a factory in Waltham, Massachusetts. This factory wove cotten into cloth on power looms. They hired farm girls to work long, backbreaking day jobs. This effected America because the conditions that the woman were working in were not very good. This caused a labor strike, were many woman stoped working, demanding better woriking conditions. The whole busness broke down and slowly became less popular.
  • Publishing of Websters Dictionary

    Publishing of Websters Dictionary
    Art and writing started to get very popular. Writers started to use more of an origonal, American style. A very smart teacher and lawayer man named Noah Webster made, at the age of 70, the very first American dictionary. In it he made specific guidlines to our language. It was published in 1828. This effected America because it gave us more patriotism and made America more origonal. Now we can have a special and unique language, it also helped Americans become much more literate.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    When Andrew Jackson had lost the 1824 election it pushed him to win the next election. During the campaign, Jackson promised to look out for the interests of common people. Jackson's humble background, and his heroic history won the crowed over and he became president. This is significant to the US today because Jackson’s idea of majority rule known as Jacksonian democracy. Even today, the common people would be governed by their own.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Battle of the Alamo
    Texans were then a part of Mexico, but they didn't want to be. They wanted to be their own country. So they fought against Mexico. The Texans lost, badly. Only 5 of their men lived. This event was significant to America because Texas went back to fight Mexico and they won freedom. Texas didn't want to be their own nation, they didn't have enough supplies. So, America adopted Texas as the 28th state on December 29, 1845.
  • Beginning of the Trail of Tears

    Beginning of the Trail of Tears
    In May of 1938 President Andrew Jackson’s Indian removal policy forced the Cherokee nation to give up their land east of the Mississippi and migrate to present-day Oklahoma. Many people died along the way due to hunger, exposure, and disease. The impacts of the Trail of Tears can still be seen today as many Cherokee descendents have the lost their ability to speak, write, and read their native language and the relationship between the government and native groups is strained.
  • Death of Joseph Smith

    Death of Joseph Smith
    Joseph Smith was a Mormon leader, and founded the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in New York in 1830. Many people didn't like Mormons so they killed Smith on a summmer night in July 27th, of 1844. This even was significant because when Smith died, Brigham Young took over as the mormon leader. Then he helped the Mormon people move and settle into present day Utah. There they prospered and thier population grew.
  • Frederick Douglass Publishes Autobiography

    Frederick Douglass Publishes Autobiography
    Frederick Douglass was an African American slave who wrote many speaches about his life as a slave. After escaping slavery, he became a leader of the abolishent movement. Douglass wrote several autobiographies, all telling stories of his early life as a slave. One of his autobiographies was published in 1845. This effected America becuase it became influential in its support for abolition. He also was the first black man to run for vice president. Even though he didn't win, he made a difference.
  • Thoreau Writes Book (Walden)

    Thoreau Writes Book (Walden)
    Around the 1840's America took pride in their new and unique culture. Ralph W. Emerson encouraged his students to cast off European influence and make their very own culture. Henery David Thoreau did just that, and he wrote a book called "Walden", which was all about people living by their own standerds. This was significant to America because he introduced the idea of doing what you thought versus what people and the law says. This philosophy would be called transcendentalism.
  • The Irish Potato Famine

    The Irish Potato Famine
    The famine began in September of 1845, the leaves on potatos myseriously started shriviling and dying. The cause was an airborn fungas. During these years (1845-1852), starvation and related diseases claimed as many as a million lives. This event was significant to America beacuse many people moved from Ireland to the US to try and escape the hardships and famine, helping our population grow by alot. In 2003, Irish Americans were the country's second-largest ethnic group.
  • Beginning of the California Gold Rush

    Beginning of the California Gold Rush
    On January 24th, 1848 James Marshall accidently found some gold in the ground of California. News of this spread rapidly and within day people were racing to the American River - starting the California Gold Rush. People wanted the gold because it was scarece, beutiful, and easy to shape. It was a very hard trip to get to the gold though. This event was significant to America because it brought more immagrants to the US and also made a huge shift of the population to the west of the US.
  • End of the Mexican War

    End of the Mexican War
    The war between Mexico and the US stared because we were arguing over land (Texas). The war started in Sep. 1847 and ended Feb. 1848. The war offically ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In this treaty Mexico recognised that Texas was a part of the US, the border was the Rio Grande, and Mexico gave up the Mexican Cession.This was significant to the US because we gained a ton of land. America got parts of present day Texas, New Mexico, California, Nevada, and even Colorado.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Seneca Falls convention was an early and influential women's rights convention held in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19th and 20th 1848. It was the begining of the womans movement and it demanded the right for woman to vote. This event was significant to America because it kicked of the agrument for womans rights, leading to woman being able to vote. It was passed in 1920.