The First Cinese Compass
The Frst Chinese Compass started to make its debut in 400 BC. This compass atually did not navigate you physically.It wa used to make sure your life, and everything in it is harmonized. The first Chinese compass was used to aid Chinese people who desired to maintain feng shui. -
Apr 10, 624
The First Female Emporer
The first female empress was Wu Zetian. She offcialy took power in China in 624 CE. She was origianally a concubine of the emporer Taizong. Later, after he and his son died, she bcame the first female monarch in China. Even today, she is cnsidered one of h most powerful and effective rulers in Chinese history. -
Sep 9, 1244
Tibetan Buddhism Affects the Mongols
In conquest of expanding the Mongol Empire, Tibet was captured. This would have a profound impact of Mongol religion. After invading and capturing Tibet, many Mongols adopted Tibetan Buddhism. Although never fully a part of the Mongol Empire, the idea of Tibetan Buddhism had an impact on the Mongols. Because of their religion, they would never fully become a part of the empire -
Feb 7, 1415
The First Perspective
Perspective was an art technique that first developed in the 15th century. This particualr art technique used vanishng points where lines intersect at that point. Perspective allowed artists to make their art look 3 diemensional and realstic. This technique was first found in the painting Masaccio painted by Fillipo Brunelleshi in 1415. The technique was used also by Leonardo Da Vinci in The Last Supper, and used by many other famous artists. -
Feb 20, 1508
Creating the Concept of Heliocentricy
A man dared to challenge Aristotle,and how our solar system is organized. He claimed that instead of the Sun rotating the Earth, the Earth roatates around he sun. Ths man who dared to speak out was Nicoulas Copenicus. He developed this theory, and he began to study an astonomical article, Epitome of the Almagest. This caused him to question the widely accepted view. -
Jan 17, 1517
Indulgences on the Market
Indulgences are basically for Catholics to get out of purgatory, and sins are "forgiven and forgotten" if you will. A person who has commited a sin, pay a certain amount of money to lessen their time in purgatory, and the sin is excused. Indulgencs wer first sold by Johann Tetzel in 1517. This was highly objected by Martin Luther, which later inspired him to write the 95 Theses. -
Oct 31, 1517
The 95 Theses are Written
Soon after the sale of indulgences went on the market, Martin Luther discovered how wrong this was. He used the Bible and logic to disprove the sale of indulgences. To write out all his thoughts and arguements, he wrote The 95 Theses. This compostion of articles was completed on October 31, 1517. He believed that money could not pay for the debt we owed to God. -
Jan 1, 1532
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
(All information gathered from textbook and memory.)
Niccolo Machiavell worte The Prince as a handbook to encourage absolute monarchy. The Prince was published in 1532. In this handbook, he encouraged absolute monarchs to " make the ends justify the means." In other words, do what you need to do by any means necessary, ethical or not. This helped absolute monarchs to gain and maintain their absolute power. -
Galileo's Telescope
After making several scientific and mathematic discoveries, Galileo took a new interest in astronomy. In truth, he was not the inventor of the telescope, but he created the first functional telescope based on other's ideas. Using his telescope, Galileo, used the telescope, discovered Earth's moon, Jupiter, and the Milky Way. -
First Contact
In 1624, Europe finally arrived in Tibet. They had agreed to support the Tibetans in any conflict they had with the Chinese government. This opened up the opportunity for Portuguese missionaries to open a church there. This created an interesting mix of religions, considering how religious Tibet is. Later, after the Dali Lama pleading multiple times, the church was removed. -
Improvements of the Steam Engine
Technically speaking, the first steam engine was constructed in 1698. During the Industrial Revolution, some improvments were made, like how he created pistons to help move the engine . These improvements were made by Thomas Newcomen. Although these were minor improvements, steam engines still wasted a lot of energy. -
Flying Shuttle, What?!
I realize the name is confusing, but I promise I'm not talking about space travel. This flying shuttle has more to do with weaving clothing and textiles. The flying shuttle was invented by John Kay. This invention helped people make clothing because instead of using the loom by hand, the flying shuttle was used to weave the fabric. It also was able to increase the width of fabric, and decrease the amount of labor. -
Boston Tea Party
During the American Revolution, it was mainly started due to the large increase in taxation. One of these taxes was on tea, also known as the Tea Act. In protest to this, a man by the name of Samuel Adams, lead a group of people, all dressed as Indians, and threw approxiametely 342 barrels of tea into the harbor. -
Independene is Declared and Adopted!
During the extensive American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson drew up a written document declaring America's independence. This document was titled, the Delcaration of Independene. This document was written in hopes of gaining independence from Britian, and ending the revolution. Later, on July 4, 1776, Ameica gained independence from Britian, but the war went on. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man
The Declaration of the Rights of Man declared that all mankind has particualr rights. (Particularly in France, but not especially excluding others, but just pertaining to France's townspeople at the time.)This important article from the French Revolution is similar to the Declaraton of Independence. Both are a list of rights that everyone should have, despite social class. This declaration contains 17 articles. It was signed and adopted from August 20-26, 1789. -
The Guillotine's First Beheading
As the French Revolution was taking place, the people wanted to discover a more humane form of execution. From this, developed the guillotine. Basically a machine created to execute someone by slicing the person's head off. This was considered much more humane than all the other forms of punishment at the time. The guillotine's firstbeheading took place on April 25, 1792, where the Nicolas-Jacques Pelletier, was executed for a felony. -
February Revolution
The Russian Revolution is comprised of the October Revolution, and the February Revolution.The February Revolution startd due to the lack of food for the common people. The common people continued to lose faith in the Czar, and in result, the Dumas were resolved. -
Its All Nicholas' Fault
Nicholas II was part of the Romanov famiy, and was the last czar from that family. He was mostly blamed for the start of th Russian Revolution. He brought 11 million people into World War 1. This caused the people to revolt, and in effect, the Russian Revolution began, and czar Nicholas II's empire fall to its knees. (Nicholas, more like Nicholoser) -
The ICP is Founded
Ho Chi Minh, was a very strong supporter of Communism, and very much against French control of Indochina. He wanted to fevetly change that, and in result, the ICP was founded. ICP stands for Indochina Communist Party. This communist party was founded in hopes of uprooting French control and colonialsim. -
The Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was the border that split Europe into two diffeent areas during the Cold War.cIt was created to divide the Soviet Union from seperate, individual Communist countries. The Iron Curtain was created during World War II, and fell as the USSR did. It originated from a metaphor crated by Winston Churchill. “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent.” -
Return to the Promise Land
After 2,000 years in Isreal history, throughout the Bible,it talks about the Promise Land. On May 14, 1948, they finally entered and took ownership of the so called 'Promise Land.' The Promise Land is actually called Palestine. The Romans haad originlly kicked tem out,but aftr a declaration made by the British,the land was fianlly theirs. -
South Korea Becomes Indepepdant
After the harsh and absolute rule of Japan in Korea, the south region had enough of it. South Korea decided to declare independence from Japan. On August 13, 1948, they wer officially independant and had complete control over their country once again. In celebration of ths momentous victory, and South Korean flag was created. It was a white rectangle, with a blue and red ying and yang symbol. -
The Little Red Book : Quotations from Mao Zedong is Sold
This book is a collection of ove 200 quotes that were quoted by the Communist leader, Mao Zedong. At the time, it was pretty much maandatory to have one if you lived in Cina at the time. Billions of copes were produced and distributed. This collection of quotatios is often tied in with China and communism. -
Gulf Tonkin Incident
This event took place during the Vietnam war, just as the United States began to support South Vietnam. Two North Vietameese torpedo boats atacked a US vessel in th Gulf of Tonkin. The US vessel was the Maddox. This quckly inspired the US to strike back. The US launched two air attacks on the border of North Vietnam. -
The Six Day War
Odlly enough, this war, unlike many others, lasted only six days. This conflict began between the Arabs and Isrealis. They were fighting for the lands of the Sinai peninsula, old Jerusalem, Gaza Stip, West Bank and Gola Heights. After three days, Isreal was victorious in gaining the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula. -
SALT Treaty.
In the Cold War, there were many of what wer called, Arm's races. Basically, this occured when two nations competed for weapons, especially missiles. SALT stands for Strategic Arms Limitations Talks. These are what led up to thevsigning of the ABT Treaty. This treaty was signed between the USA and the USSR, to agree to limit the concentration of the use of armed missles. -
Coca Cola Premieres in the Chinese Market
In 1978, Coca Cola arrived on the Chinese market. The agreement was signed on December 13th.This agreement allowed China to manufacture and circulate their product. Coca Cola was not sold to the native Cinese people, but to American tourists. Chinese preferred the warm taste of their medicine. Although there was a rough start to start selling Coca Cola in China, it is stil sold ther today, ove 35 years later. -
General Park is Assasinated
One night, President Park of Korea was seated at dinner with the leaers of the KCIA, a former leader of the KCIA, ad hs bodyguard. She was very worried about the civil unrest in Korea, and wanted to discuss it with these men. President Park never had the oppurtuinity becuase she was assasinted that very night. Kim Jae-kyu, the Korean CIA director then stormed out of the dinner in a furious rage. Once he returned, he shot Park.