Cold War Begins
Between 1945 and 1990 conflict arose between the main world superpowers (U.S.A.USSR). It consisted of a sustained period of political and military tension. Was a battle between the East and West that resulted in conflict of accusing of espionage and extensive propaganda campaigns. No direct military action was ever taken fearing the nuclear power they each had. Although, proxy wars like the Korean and Vietnam wars were fought. -
Formation of the United Nations
The formation of the United Nations objective was to create world peace. It was a replacement of the League of Nations which had previously failed during WWII. 50 Nations had met in San Francisco to sign a charter which created the UN. The Main goals of the UN were to: encourage co-operation among nations, band together to avoid another war, defend human rights and improve living conditions for people around the world. -
Newfoundland Becomes Part of Canada
In 1864, Newfoundland delegates attended the Quebec Conference and signed the resolutions which became the base of the 1867 British North America Act. But it didn’t happen until over 80 years later, in 1949, that Newfoundland became a Canadian province. It became the 10th province of Canada -
NATO was formed
NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was formed for collective securities of many of the countries of which were involved. It consisted of tons of countries including Canada. Canada was involved in NATO. The Warsaw Pact was created as a response of defence from the Soviet Union. Due to NATO, Canada stayed protected throughout 1945-1982. -
Suez Crisis
Egypt wanted to nationalise the Suez Canal which was in the control of Britain and France. Both of the countries were against it and launched a strategic attack on Egypt with the help of Israel. Both USA and Canada were refused to support it and also caused the UN had to step in.During that time the world was on the birch of a 3rd world war, also a first time peace keeping mission was organised because of Canada and the crisis showed that Allies couldn’t always be trusted to support one another -
Canada TransCanada Pipeline
The last weld is completed on the TransCanada Pipeline, a 2 290 kilometre, $375 million gas line that took 28 months to build and ran from Burstall, Saskatchewan, to Kapuskasing, Ontario. -
Canadian National Healthcare
With social programs and human rights improving in Canada, the 1960s introduced what would be known as our 'trademark', free National Healthcare. The Medical Care Act of 1966 officially provided universal health coverage for every Canadian citizen residing in the country. Canada is well known for its healthcare system which stared in the 60s and has from then improved. -
Canadians Got Social Insurance
The use of the SIN was first stopped in practice to the UIC and CPP. Anyone with employment insurance or over the age of 19 who is making CPP contributions was required to obtain a number. But since there were no restrictions placed on more uses of the SIN, it gradually became a unique personal identifier in and is now used, for example, on income, family allowances, tax returns school records and even on permits for wheat farming. Anyone filing an income tax return must give a SIN on the return -
Policy of Multiculturalism
The Canadian government officially adopts a policy of multiculturalism. The federal government of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau declared its commitment to the principle of multiculturalism in 1971 and in so doing formalized a policy to protect and promote diversity, recognize the rights of Aboriginal peoples, and support the use of Canada’s two official languages. This led to the establishment in 1973 of the Ministry of Multiculturalism as well as the Canadian Consultative Council on Multic -
Trudeau's Liberals win a majority government in 1974
In the October 1972 elections Pierre Trudeau's Liberals won but failed to gain a majority. They were able to stay in power with NDP support, but in May 1974 Trudeau's government fell. The Liberals won a new majority in the July parliamentary elections. Economic issues brought about the Liberals' defeat five years later. -
Bill 22
Bill 22 was passed by the liberal government of Robert Bourassa in Quebec. It made it french their national language, making it mandatory to be used in civics administration services. Later on another Bill (101) almost banned the use of English language. That bill caused tension between the French and English Canadian relations and threatened to divide Canada.