History Timeline from 1700-1800

By KendalW
  • The House of Burgesses Passed its First Comprehensive Slave Law.

  • New England ministers published Early Piety.

    New England ministers published Early Piety.
    A group of New England ministers published a collection of sermons titled Early Piety. Increase Mather was honored to write the preface. In the preface he asked the question, “What did our forefathers come into this wilderness for?” His answer was simple: to test their faith against the challenges of America and win.
  • Benjamin Franklin Enters the Printing World

    Benjamin Franklin Enters the Printing World
    Ben Franklin, who was a scholar and businessman, came in to Philadelphia's printing world.
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    Slavery Became Inccreasingly Significant in the North

  • William Parks Printing Shop

    William Parks set up a printing shop in Annapolis. Up until that time the Chesapeake Indians did not have a stable local trade for printing and books.
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    The Great Awakening

    The first revivals of the Great Awakening started in the Congregational churches of New England then spread through the Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists in the rest of the thirteen colonies.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    The Stono Rebellion was when a group of about 80 slaves in Florida, burned plantations and killed 20+ white settlers before heading to Fort Mose. Fort Mose is a free black settlement on the Georgia-Florida border.
  • The Start of the Seven Year war. (Also known as the French ans Indian War)

    The Start of the Seven Year war. (Also known as the French ans Indian War)
    France and Britain feuded over the boundaries of their respective North American empires. The feud turned bloody in 1754 when a force of British colonists and Native American allies, led by young George Washington, killed a French diplomat. This incident led to the war
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    The Seven year war

    This war started when a French Diplomat was killed by the British and their allies. The war ended with the peace treaties of Paris and Hubertusburg in 1763.
  • Benjamin Franklin Proposes a suggested Plan of Union

    Benjamin Franklin Proposes a suggested Plan of Union
    Ben Franklin proposes a method of union to coordinate defenses at the Albany Congress.
  • Quakers in Pennsylania Disowning Members.

    The Quakers in Pennsylvania disowned all members engaged in the slave trade and by 1772 slave-owning Quakers could be expelled from the meetings.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act Limited the colonies from printing paper money.
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    Pontiac's War

    In 1761 a prophet by the name of Neolin have a vision from his religion deity, the Master of Life. Preaching to the Ottawa and their leader Pontiac, what was told to him in the vision. The Indians were told to avoid alcohol and to return to the traditional Indian rituals. Pontiac took action and that started Pontiac's War. The war ended when Pontiac meet with the British and settled for peace.
  • Royal Proclamation of 1763

    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 states that the Appalachian Mountains is the boundary between British colonies and Indian country.
  • Sugar Act

    Parliament levied taxes on sugar, paper, lead, glass, and tea.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act Congress of 1765 brought colonial leaders together in an show of cooperation against taxes imposed by Parliament, and boycotts of British goods created a sacrifice, resistance, and shared political identity.
  • The Virginia Resolves

    Passed by the House of Burgesses, the most will known of the anti-stamp act was the Virginia Resolves.
  • The Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty
    By 1766 the Sons of Liberty had been organize in most of the colonies.
  • Declaration of Independece

    Declaration of Independece
    The British colonies in North America declared their independence from the British.
  • The Continental Congress ratified the Articles of Confederation

    The Continental Congress ratified the Articles of Confederation
    "The articles allowed each state one vote in the Continental Congress. But the articles are perhaps most notable for what they did not allow. Congress was given no power to levy or collect taxes, regulate foreign or interstate commerce, or establish a federal judiciary." http://www.americanyawp.com/text/05-the-american-revolution/
  • First American Cotton Overseas

    A firm out of Liverpool called Peel, Yates & Co. received the first seven bales of American cotton.
  • George Washington took the Presidential Oath

    George Washington took the Presidential Oath
  • Congress Approved charter for the Bank of the United States

    The Bank of the United States was giving a twenty-year charter by Congress.
  • The Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which is a machine to de-seed cotton.