1853 BCE
Commodore Matthew Perry arrives in Japan
Commodore Matthew Perry on Behalf of the U.S. Government forced Japan to enter into Trade with the Us and demanded a treaty permitting trade and opening of the japan ports to the us merchant ship. this era was when all western powers were seeking to open markets for their trade manufactured goods aboard This was imporatant because it made the Japan enter trade when they did'nt want to. -
1665 BCE
The Great Plague Reaches London
The Great Plague Commonly known as the Black Death Reached London and cause a indicated number of casualties that exceeded 100,000 out of the population. -
1346 BCE
Outbreak of Plague In Central Asia
The Central Asian scourge struck Persia just a few years after it appeared in China - proof if any is needed that the silk road was a convenient route for the deadly bacteria. -
1274 BCE
The Mongols Try To Invade Japan
The Failure of the Invasion from the Mongols which gave rise to the notion of the "divine wind' or Kamikaze. Although an exploration of the event reveals that the Japanese defeated the Mongols with little need for the divine, or meteorological intervention. The importance of this event is for the Japan because it gave rise to the Kamikaze. -
1215 BCE
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta is the signing of an important document made it so the king was not above the law of the land and protected the right of the people. The Magna Carta is the signing of an important document made it so the king was not above the law of the land and protected the right of the people The importance of the Magna Carta is it Greatly reduced the power of the king and made it so we wasnt above the law. -
1215 BCE
Most Significant event
I belive the most inportant event is the signing of the Magne Carta because if the documents were'nt signed the way we live would of changed immensely. We can still get a look of what the world could've been like by looking at North Koara because they only have one ruler who can do whatever he wants and he can make the citizens obey him instead of them having a say in anything -
1099 BCE
The First Crusade
Around 30,000 knights and other fighting men took up an challenge to take back Jerusalem from the Muslims whom had stolen it from the Christhian's and Jew's. The importance of the event is that it gave birth to the First Crusade