Rene Descarte
Rene Descarte was a French Enlightenment thinker who proposed the philosophy of ¨I think therefore I am¨ -
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton is one of the most well-known Enlightenment thinkers credited with the discovery of gravity as well as other scientific theories. -
John Locke
John Locke was one of the very first Enlightenment thinkers, who developed Tabula Rasa and other ideas that would pave the way for future thinkers -
The Encyclopedie was a collection of ideas from various thinkers published by Denis Diderot -
Napoleon´s Birth
Emperor Napoleon was born from his parents Carlo and Letizia Bonaparte -
The Decleration of Independance
The writing of the Declaration of Independence was a monumental stepping stone in the Enlightenment that encouraged Enlightenment ideas throughout the world. -
Napoleon Joined the Military
Napoleon became an army officer and from there he progressed very rapidly to his next position. -
Collapse of Estates General
The members of the third estate began to campaign for constitutional reform, a bold challenge to the King´s Authority. -
Storming of the Bastille
A wave of revolutionary Frenchmen comprised of mostly the Third Estate, stormed the Bastille, relinquishing Paris from the King´s Control. -
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette says her most famous line of ¨Let them, eat cake!¨ -
The Guilllotine
The Guillotine, otherwise known as the National Razor, was a tool used to ¨bring equality in death¨ -
The French Republic Established
Radical revolutionaries revolt by arresting the King, thus establishing a French Republic -
King Louie Dies
The death of King Louie by Guillotine starts the end of a moncarchy. -
Reign of Terror Begins
France went to war with various European powers, resulting in the Montagnards taking power. -
Reign of Terror Ends
Robespierre is executed with the Guillotine, bringing a closing end to the tragic reign of terror. -
Directory Takes Power
The Directory, a new French regime, takes power in France before being silenced by the army. -
Napoleonic Era Begins
The four years of being under Directory power are cut short, once a young new superstar takes over (Napoleon Bonaparte!!!) -
Napoleon Becomes Emperor
Napoleon was able to rise to power after the downfall of the powerful French Monarchy. -
Napoleon Gets Ostrasized
Napoleon got excomunicated from France after losing so many battles. He was shunned to St.Helena island to live out the rest of his days. -
Napoleon Died a Death
After living a rollercoaster of a life, conquest and peril, he died from stomach cancer at the age of 51