
Kali Yoder WWII

  • Invasion of Poland.

    Invasion of Poland.
    Outbreak of world war II.
  • Allied nations declare war on Germany

    Allied nations declare war on Germany
  • Australian Imperial Force arive in Singapore.

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
  • Australia declares war on Japan.

    Australia declares war on Japan.
  • Singapore falls at the hands of Japan.

    Singapore falls at the hands of Japan.
  • Allies begin large-scale attacks on Germany.

    Allies begin large-scale attacks on Germany.
  • Japanese decided to take Port Moresby by land invasion.

    Japanese decided to take Port Moresby by land invasion.
  • japanese begin their retreat alond the Kokoda trail.

    japanese begin their retreat alond the Kokoda trail.
  • Australians recpature Kokoda.

  • Italy surrenders to Allies Nations.

    Italy surrenders to Allies Nations.
  • Italy declares war on Germnay.

    Italy declares war on Germnay.
  • Nomandy landings

    Nomandy landings
  • Hitler commits suicide in Berlin Bunker.

    Hitler commits suicide in Berlin Bunker.
  • Victory in Europe

    Victory in Europe
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan

  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

  • Victory in the Pacific (VP) Day. japan surrenders.

  • Japan serenders ending world war II.

  • Japanese surrender officially signed.