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History Timeline

  • 99,999 BCE


    Prehistory is the period from the appearance of the first human beings to the invention of writing. Division of Prehistory: 2,500,000 years BC. up to 3,500 years BC.
  • Period: 75,000 BCE to 75,000 BCE

    First hunters

    -750,000 BC C.: The first hunters begin to use specific hunting tools
  • Period: 70,000 BCE to 65,000 BCE

    First axes

    -700,000-650,000 BC: Manufacture of the first two-sided hand axes
  • Period: 16,000 BCE to 9000 BCE


    -1,600,000-9000: a. C The first individuals of the genus Homo arrive in the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Period: 3200 BCE to 3200 BCE

    The Sumerian cuneiform writing system

  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient History

    Ancient History
    Ancient history is typically defined as the longest period of history and the one beginning with the first civilizations and concluding with the medieval era in Europe. However, this is not to say that all ancient societies developed, flourished, or declined on the same timeline or in the same manner.
  • 500 BCE

    The middle ages

    Middle Ages, Period in European history traditionally dated from the fall of the Roman Empire to the dawn of the Renaissance. In the 5th century the Western Roman Empire endured declines in population, economic vitality, and the size and prominence of cities.
  • Period: 500 to 500

    Decline of trade and Roman cities. Invasions of the Germanic peoples. Alaric sacks Rome. Fall of the Western Roman Empire.

  • 1500

    The modern ages

    The Modern Era was a historical time period from 1500 C.E. to 1945 C.E. also known as the Modern Age, or Modern History. This historical era precedes Contemporary History. The periodization, or categorizing time periods in history, has become traditional in chronicling historical events.
  • Period: to

    Twin Towers

  • Period: to

    Beginnings of the Cycladic civilization in the Aegean Sea, Greece.