history timeline

  • Period: to

    To what degree does this time period represent a period of progress or decline? -2 to +2

  • Francis Pegahmagabow and First Nations soldiers -2

    Francis Pegahmagabow and First Nations soldiers -2
    Francis was an Indian solider who saved men from dying from the Germans poisonous gas. He was treated equal on the battle field but when not in uniform he was not considered Canadian.
    “When he was in uniform he was considered an equal… by what he could do.When he came back he just went back to being an Indian. Indians at that time were not even Canadian citizens.”
    I give this a -2 because the Indian soldiers who fought for Canada were treated terribly again after the war.
  • Nurses at the home front +2

    Nurses at the home front +2
    The first job any women was allowed to do was be a nurse in the first world war. the images and news of nurses working hard at the front and sacrificing their lives helped to change notions of women as fragile, helpless creatures. I give this a +2 because women were finally allowed to work and they showed the men that they are just as capable as them. This also forced men and women to be treated equally.
  • Jeremiah Jones and Black Canadian Soldiers +2

    Jeremiah Jones and Black Canadian Soldiers +2
    In world war one here were only 16 black soldiers and Jeremiah proved a black man's worth in a white man's army. Jeremiah was the first black man to be recommended for a conduct award. I gave this a +2 because Jeremiah being recommended for the award proved to the white people that the black people should be treated equal and are just as strong, capable and worthy as them.
  • women rights in 1920 +1

    women rights in  1920 +1
    the 1920s were an iffy time for women. although Women, were allowed to vote and work, they were still struggling to earn decent wages, or get decent jobs and their salaries would never equal men's. women jobs were often clerks, bookkeepers, stenographers, laundresses, waitresses. I gave this a +1 because even though it wasn't completely fair, it was still a step in the right direction. At least the women now had rights and were almost equal to men.
  • Farmers in the 1920 -1

    Farmers in the 1920 -1
    In the 1920s farmers suffered from a collapse in the wheat market. Many moved to the city in the hope of finding jobs, but soldiers returning from the Great War created a lot of people in need of work. The farmers blamed the war for their problems because they claim that the war caused environmental issues that killed their crops. I gave this a -1 because this was a very hard time for people who were unemployed. the unemployment rate was 15%.
  • Sikh families 1920 -1

    Sikh families 1920 -1
    The sikh families were immigrants from India with husbands working in Vancouver. The sikh families were not treated fairly and because they were immigrants were forced top live in a tiny temple with 20 other families.I give this a -1 because they treated them terribly and made them feel like they needed to change to fit in. But, This was the first time Canada ever allowed immigrants to enter.
  • First nations children in 1920 -2

    First nations children in  1920 -2
    In 1920 all first nations children between the ages of 7-18 were ripped away from their families and forced to attended a boarding school. The children were only forced to go their because they were first nations and they endured sexually and physical abuse. I give this a -2 because these children were not treated equal, had their rights taken away and were given no respect. This was a huge set back.
  • Emily Murphy and the famous five -2

    Emily Murphy and the famous five  -2
    IN the 1920s Emily Murphy and five other Alberta women were denied access to Canada's senate. I give this a -2 because the people in the senate denied them access only because they are women. This was a huge set back because these women had just earned their rights and the had them ripped away once more.
  • Canada's independence +2

    Canada's independence +2
    In the 1920s Canada became independent from Britain, and could make their own decisions. They were also permitted to join the league of nations as their own country. I give this a +2 because this was a huge step for Canada. They could now be seen as an individual and were not effected by Britain's choices. They could make their own decisions about taxes, immigrants and more.
  • Fredrick Banting +2

    Fredrick Banting +2
    Fredrick Banting is a Canadian who discover insulin. This discovery saved over 800 peoples lives including a teenage boy. While serving in the war Fredrick treated 16 injured soldiers before himself. He went on to win a noble prize.I give this a +2 because Fredrick Banting made the world a safer place by discovering a medicine that could save someones life.