History Timeline

  • Period: to

    1982 to present timeline

    20 significant events between 1982 and 2023.
  • Constitution act of 1982

    Constitution act of 1982
    The constitution act of 1982 was the first fully Canadian controlled constitution, and gave Canadian people freedom and rights as well as civil liberties separated from the government. It is very significant because it is the first constitution fully under the control of Canada.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    The Meech Lake Accord was a series of agreements and proposals meant to edit the constitution to allow Quebecs consent, while also allowing more provincial power and distincifying Quebec as its own society. It did not pass through. This event is significant because many quebecois people saw it as a ‘rejection’ of Quebec, while it also changed the way we solve issues in Canada through government means.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall, which was beforehand one of the most significant parts of the Cold War, and ended the barrier which divided East and West Germany from each other, allowing for free travel and passage that was previously restricted or heavily regulated. It is one of the most significant world events in recent modern history.
  • Oka Crisis

    Oka Crisis
    The Oka Crisis occurred when the Quebec town of Oka made plans to expand its golf course into the territory of the Mohawk Communities in the area, leading to mass civil unrest in the area and leading to the intervention of the Canadian Army.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    Operation Desert Storm was the codename for what is better known as the First Gulf War. It occurred when Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi army invaded the small coastal nation of Kuwait unjustly. A coalition force of several countries including Canada and the United States liberated the nation and drove Iraq out of the country. Canada participated in the massive air campaigns above Kuwait and Iraq.
  • Introduction of G.S.T

    Introduction of G.S.T
    G.S.T is a form of tax implemented on services and items sold by consumers, it was introduced at the start of 1991 and became a major source of income for the Government, by 2017-2018 it accounted for about 12% of the Canadian Governments income.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union collapsed on December 31st, 1991, after a series of political reforms by the previous leader, Michael Gorbachev. And multiple political losses and the rise of instability over the years. The Soviet Union collapsed and in its wake formed the Russian Federation, which ended the reign of communism in its largest form that had existed for the better part of a century.
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown Accord
    Similar to the Meech Lake Accord, the Charlottetown Accord was another attempt to edit the constitution to gain Quebecs approval. Making them a ‘distinct’ society and increasing Quebecs dissolution with the rest of Canada afterwards when it failed to go through.

    NAFTA was introduced 1994 as a trade agreement between the North American nations of Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Eliminating tariffs between the triad of nations and allowing free trade. It is a major agreement integral to relations for the 3 nations, and is therefore very significant.
  • Rwandan Genocide

    Rwandan Genocide
    The Rwandan Genocide was one of the biggest atrocities and genocide in Modern History, started due to political tensions between two social groups in the unstable Nation of Rwanda, the genocide lasted just over 100 days and killed nearly 1 million people in its wake. Canadian peacekeepers were in the nation and apart of the UN nation in Rwanda for its course. Canada also took in vast amounts of Rwandan refugees.
  • Quebec Refrendum

    Quebec Refrendum
    The Quebec Refrendum was an effort made for French Canadian citizens to vote in order to make Quebec its own country and give it independence from Canada. It ultimately failed and would mark the 3rd attempt for separation from Canada by Quebec. It is significant because it would’ve been the first time a province split from Canada to become its own Nation.
  • Creation of Nunavut and it’s introduction as a territory.

    Creation of Nunavut and it’s introduction as a territory.
    On April 1st, 1999, Nunavut was officially introduced as a territory of Canada. Primarily being aboriginal territory belonging to the Inuit people, it is primarily barren yet still populated. It is very significant as it the most significant introduction of new territory to Canada since Newfoundland.
  • Nisga’s First Nation Treaty

    The Nisg’a treaty was a treaty made by th BC Government and First Nations people inhabiting the region, it gave them control over their territory in its entirety, and allowed indigenous people to regulate forestry and fishing on their land. It is a prime example of Canadas work to improve relations with First Nations people.
  • Canada in Afghanistan

    Canada in Afghanistan
    Canadas involvement in Afghanistan came after the initial invasion by the United States and mainly revolved around peacekeeping and counterterrorism as apart of the ISAF coalition, the Canadians served for years in the country. About 158 Canadians were killed in fighting in the country.
  • 9/11

    9/11 is considered one of the biggest tragedies in recent history, it occurred when two terrorists originating from the group Al Qaeda crashed planes into several targets, including the Twin Towers and Pentagon, killing nearly 4000 and wounding even more. While also causing long term effects for those close. It signified the beginning of the war on terror, a brutal period of conflict in the Middle East, and tightened air security across the world.
  • Same-Sex marriage

    Up until 2005, same sex marriages in Canada has been prohibited and illegal. When this law was passed it allowed for Canada to advance its human rights and LGBTQ rights. It proves that Canada is an inclusive and accepting country willing to change for the better.
  • Residential School Apology

    Residential School Apology
    In 2008, Prime Minister Steven Harper finally apologized for the dark past of Canada and its treatment of aboriginal peoples in the residential school apology. It allowed us to move forward with reconciliation throughout the years.
  • Vancouver Winter Olympics

    The 2010 Olympics in Vancouver marked one of the rare times the world stage event was hosted in Canada, it spurred economic growth in Western Canada while also being great for Canada athletics wise, Canada won 14 gold medals during this Winter Olympics.
  • Canada and Syrian Refugees

    Canada and Syrian Refugees
    With the wake of the Syrian Civil War, and the mass amounts of destruction that proceeded it, Canada took in major amounts of Syrian refugees from the nation and allowed them to live permenantely in Canada. Around 25,000 were brought into Canada from 2015-2016
  • Tragically Hips Final Concert

    Tragically Hip was a legendary Canadian band that was very popular worldwide, their final concert occurred in 2016 since lead singer Gord Downie had been diagnosed with brain cancer.