History timeline

  • 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg

    The printing press becomes operational
  • 1495

    Da Vinci

    He paints the last supper
  • Period: 1501 to 1504


    He sculpts the david
  • 1502


    Romeo and Juliet is wrote
  • 1503

    Da Vinci

    Mona Lisa is painted
  • Period: 1508 to 1528


    Book of the courtier is wrote throughout many years
  • 1513

    Machiavelli writes the Prince

    It is published for the public
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    His 95 thesis is posted on the church's wall
  • 1521

    Diet of worms

    Martin Luther refused to retract his writings and as a result was excommunicated
  • 1522


    He has disagreements with Luther about beliefs however since he writes in the language of the scholars only a few elite people go to his side over Luther's
  • Period: 1522 to 1534

    Translation of the Bible

    During his Excommunication Martin Luther translated the old testament into German and his followers translated much more of it after his return
  • 1534

    the Jesuits

    Ignatius of Loyola creates the order of Jesus
  • Period: 1536 to 1538

    John Calvin

    He worked during the reformation spreading ideas of government and religion
  • Elizabeth the 1st

    Elizabeth defeats the Spanish armada
  • Period: to

    30 years war

    A war between Catholics and protestants
  • Peace of Westphalia

    Ends the 30 years war