Brown V Board of Education II
In 1952. the brown v board of education case had been at a stall and wasn't looking good for brown. Then lucky for her the NAACP had sent Thurgood Marshall to help her keep this fight going and took the case to the Supreme Court. Finally, the court had ruled that racial segregation in schools were unconstitutional. -
White Citizens Council
Created in 1954, The WCC was made to take over the south and stop colored people from achieving their rights and aspirations. Mostly founded by white supremacies the WCC used political and economic power to ensure the south stays as it is with no change. Including degrading the colored people of the south. -
Lynching of Emmett Till
The murder of Emmett Till a 14-year-old from Chicago was the result of him talking "Disrespectfully" towards a white lady in a candy store. This trigged the deadly reaction from her husband who then grabbed a friend and went on to kill Emmett and dump him into the river. -
Rosa Parks Arrest
Rosa Parks was an active member of the NAACP and the Civil Rights Movements. They have been planning to desperate the busses in Alabama. To get the spark they needed Rosa decided to refuse to give her spot up to a white man on the bus. This resulted in her getting arrested but started the movement. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Right after the Rosa Parks arrest, the NAACP worked on having everyone boycotting the busses until further notice. This had busses empty for 381 days and the streets filled with people walking to work. The boycott was successful and in 1956 the supreme court declared the segregation on buses unconstitutional. -
MLK House Bombing
The house MLK was bombed by white segregationists due to the success of the bus boycotts. The increased popularity in Montgomery came with those who opposed his work. King had received many death threats but this was one of the first to actually go through. -
Bombing of Rev.Fred Shuttlesworth
On the 25th of December 1956, the hate group KKK had given a visit to Rev. Shuttlesworth's house and planted a bomb that would blow up the whole house. Luckily nobody was hurt but this was the first of 4 attempts to kill Mr.Shuttleworth. This didn't demotivate the Rev. instead made him more certain he needed to continue. -
SCLC Founded
Created to combat injustice through nonviolent efforts throughout the Civil Rights Movement. Named one of the most successful organizations in African American history. They preached that the only way to achieve freedom is not to snoop down to the levels of the oppressors. The SCLC still existed today and is still working to achieve its goals. -
D.Eisenhower sends in federal troops
When the little nine had been allowed to attend school with fellow whites in the nearby school. Retaliation by the white Southerners had become chaotic and dangerous. It had become so crazy that the president believed that if he didn't restore order it would just lead to future retaliations for the people to get what they want. So he sent federal troops to restore order and ensure that the little rock 9 go to school. -
SNCC Formed
Wanting to get black students involved the SNCC was formed in April of 1960. To have protests more packed and action taken quicker it was essential to have the black youth participate. In addition to giving the youth a voice and all of this. -
Greensboro Sit- ins
A group of black students had begun sitting at segregated lunch counters to combat the separation. Even though they got arrested the intention of the act had sparked hope and a sense of urgency for the community to act. -
Freedom Rides
Organized by CORE and the SNCC freedom rides were black and white riders who rode the busses with black people in the front and whites in the back. This was a total slap in the face toward the people of the south completely disrupting their culture. The goal was to get public transportation desegregated. -
White Mob Attacks Federal Marshal IN Montgomery
During the freedom rides a bus was halted to a stop by a vicious mob. Not only did the people inside the bus get brutally harassed the bus was blown up and the federal marshalls that came to stop the mob were also attacked and harassed. -
Albany Georgia " Failure"
Known as MLK's biggest failure the Albany movement for peace and freedom was a setback due to the 1000 plus arrest made and the plan to get public places desegregated failing miserably. -
Kennedy Sends In Federal Troops
Another time a big riot accrued was in Ole Miss where a black student entered a college campus. Kennedy sent some troops to go and ensure that the black man went to school safely and wasn't harmed. -
Bailey v Patterson
In Mississippi, a group of black people claimed they were racially discriminate against because of the color of their skin. They argued their case and it went up to the Supreme Court where they ruled that the states have no right to discriminate against anyone based on the color of their skin. -
MLK goes to Birmingham Jail
As things started to escalate in Birmingham he had decided not to just sit back and watch rather instead join and lead the forefront. Starting the march in Birmingham which led to his arrest. His arrest had struck many people but he had encouraged those to keep protesting. -
Equal Pay Act of 1963
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed by Congress and signed by JFK guaranteeing equal pay for men and women alike in any job that's they can work together. The fight for pay equality had been a long journey for women, So this was a big step in the right direction for women. -
Assassination of Medgar Evers
Medgar Evers was a civil rights activist who was murdered in his driveway in Jackson Mississippi. Medgar believed that African Americans deserve a chance to be free. He was also an active worker in NAACP. -
March on Washington" I Have A Dream"
Known as the biggest event of the Civil rights movement. Thousands of black and white people marching to Washington which then concluded with Dr.King giving his most famous speech " I Have A Dream". After the march more laws were past and just catapulted the movement forward. -
Bombing of Birmingham Church
Considered one of the most heartbreaking moments in the civil rights movement. The bombing of a neighborhood church had devastated the community resulting in 4 deaths and 22 injured. The families of those dead and injured furious and demanding answers and action. -
Assassination of JFK
John F Kennedy was a beloved person, especially toward African Americans. He had worked with MLK and passed laws that helped African Americans get closer to freedom. He was murdered in his car while he was in Dallas. -
Freedom Summer
Freedom Summer was a project that was started in 1964 in order to get as many African Americans registered to vote as possible. The projected succeded and got many African Americans to register to vote -
24th Amendment
The 24th amendment was a huge leap int the right direction for the civil rights movement., The amendment stated that nor congress or the state and can place anything restricting the ability for a person to vote such as a poll tax. -
Killing of Goodman,Chaney,Schwerner
Andrew Goodman and Micheal Scherwerner both white form new york and James Chaney a local African American man who had joined CORE in 1963. They had all gone missing and when people went and looked for them they had found out that they were reported dead and bodies found near an old car. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
The civil rights act of 1964 was a huge win for the civil rights movement. The document said that there will no longer be any discrimination based on race, sex or religion. The had made the fight for freedom much manageable. It had allowed blacks to go places they weren't allowed to go before and push away boundaries. -
Assassination of Malcolm X
Malcolm X was a passionate advocate for blacks all around the country. Although he and Dr.King had different methods they both wanted the same goal which was equality throughout the nation without regard to race. His death was a heartbreaking blow to the community. His death was a gunshot to the chest at point-blank while giving a speech. -
Selma to Montgomery March
With the goal of getting as many blacks registered to vote as possible. Afro Americans took a march from Selma to Montgomery in order to get the attention of many and get their goal accomplished. On the journey, their other were many challenges like mobs and police. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a federal law that gave everyone the right to vote regardless of skin color. This was another obstacle that was moved out of the way for freedom to come for the blacks. -
Black Panther Party Formed
The Black Panther Party was formed in order to protect blacks from police brutality. Created in Oakland California many blacks would risk their lives to protect their fellow brothers and sisters. The Black Panther Party was beloved and acknowledged all throughout the black community. -
Loving v Virginia
A black lady and white man were trying to get married but were denied their request by the state of Virginia. So they argued to the supreme court where they ruled that the state must grant the right to interracial marriage. -
Minneapolis Riots
On July 19, 1967, heated interactions in North Minneapolis as blacks continued to have troubles with whites who don't want change. It had gotten so bad that police with armor and weaponry had to come and deescalate the situation before anyone else gets injured. -
Detroit Riots
Known as one of the dangerous riots in the " Long Hot Summer of 1967" Over 1,400 buildings were burned. 342 injured and 43 reported deaths. Around 7000 U.S National Guard were called and some army troops. This was the bloodiest event of the Civil Rights Movement. -
Assassination of MLK JR
Martin Luther King Jr was one of the greatest leaders in the Civil Rights Movement and an advocate of the colored people in the United States. The assassination of King had struck everyone emotionally due to the progress that was happening it seemed that better things were to come. -
Assassination of Robert Kennedy
Robert " Bobby" Kennedy much like his brother JFK had the belief that it was very much time to end segregation in America because everyman is created equal and needs to be treated as such. His murder was around the time of the Vietnam war and was mourned by many people.