history timeline

By wavy J
  • 410 BCE

    Bill and ted's excellent adventure

     Bill and ted's excellent adventure
    purpose- Is to look back on people from different periods in history.Fact check-Bill and ted barely made it on time for their presentation.Connection-This movie reminded me of back to the future.Rating-⭐⭐⭐
  • Aug 3, 1492


    Event-Columbus is obsessed with making a trip westwards to asia.Fact check-Christopher Columbus Sets the sail on his first voyage with three ships,santa maria,pinta and nina from palos de la frontera on August 3rd,1492-Connection-On october 14th,2019, it will be columbus day.Rating-⭐⭐⭐⭐ because it was a well detailed movie.
  • 12 years a slave

    12 years a slave
    Event-On January 3rd 1853 solomon regained his freedom.Fact check-The men who kidnapped solomon was not charged for the kidnapping.Connection-to look back on true events .Rating-⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ great impactful movie
  • Lincoln

    EVENT:The 13th Amendment debate started / FACT CHECK; The 13th Amendment passed the house on january 31st,1865.CONNECTION:
    The passing of the 13 Amendment led to the assassination of abraham lincoln.
    RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ because I think they could've made a better ending but overall a good movie
  • Avalon

    EVENT: sam Krichinsky arrived to america in 1914. / FACT CHECK:In the opening scene sam said when and where he arrived to america.CONNECTION:Different foods that they ate during thanksgiving is similar to what we eat.
    RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ thought it was a slow pace movie but picked up good as it went on.
  • The lost Battalion

    The lost Battalion
    EVENT:On october 4th,inaccurate coordinates were delivered to one of the pigeons and the american unit was subjected to friendly fire. FACT CHECK:Over 50 men was killed due to friendly fire. CONNECTION:Modern day communication devices prevent inaccurate coordinates from happening. RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ -I liked how determined the american soldiers was to achieve their mission.
  • The grapes of wrath

    The grapes of wrath
    EVENT:The dust bowl was occuring. FACT CHECK:They had to move from their home in Oklahoma because of drought,economic hardships and agricultural industry changes. CONNECTION:There is still very bad weather like it was back then. RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ -I gave it 4 stars because even though it was a old movie I still enjoyed it and was engaged.
  • Red tails

    Red tails
    Event-In 1944 the war over europe entered a deadly phase which lead to the loss of allied bombers. FACT CHECK-Lightning attacks and kills pretty boy in a head on attack but is mortally wounded and dies. CONNECTION-Racism is still a problem like it was back then. RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ overall I thought it was a good movie,nice detail and dialogue and stayed engaged throughout the movie.
  • selma

    EVENT:Four black girls walking downstairs at a baptist church are killed by a bomb attempting to vote. FACT CHECK:During this time it was dangerous to try to vote being a african american. CONNECTION:Today lots of people are judged because of their ethnicity. RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Thought it was a good impactful movie while also educating.
  • Rescue Dawn

    Rescue Dawn
    Event-In february 1966 Lt.Dieter Dengler was shot down from his skyraider over laos. FACT CHECK:There He meet his fellow prisoners who was american pilots,Gene Debruin and duane W. Martin . CONNECTION-A lot of people today are held captive and being treated how Dieter Dengler and many others was being treated. RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ I liked the accuracy of this movie and how they tried to make it how it really was in real life but also was funny and entertaining.
  • Forrest Gump

    Forrest Gump
    EVENT:Through getting bullied and questioned for his intelligence forrest learned he was a fast runner.FACT CHECK:CONNECTION: [Highlight this bracketed section and, in at least one
    sentence, fully describe a connection you made between the event and the modern day] /
    RATING: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
  • birth date

    birth date
  • significant event in my life

    significant event in my life
    I won a championship in my Aau season last summer.
  • graduation date

    graduation date