Wilson's presidency term
First World War
the war went on until November 11, 1918 -
First women to be elected to congress
Jeannette Rankin -
Selective Service Act
Espionage Act
Lenin led a Russian Revolution
US rejects league of nations membership
Wilson's 14 points
Influenza Epidemic
Sedition Act
Schenk VS. US
US senate rejects treaty of versailles
19th Amendment
The First Winter Olympics
On January 25, 1924 the first Winter Olympics was held in Chamonix, France. Norway won the unofficial team competitionwith 17 medals. The United States ca,e om third winning its only gold medal with Charles Jewtraw's victory in 500 meter speed skating event. Of nearly 300 athlets only 13 were women and they only competed in the figure skating events. -
First Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
The parade was not actually about Thanksgiving at all but the next major holiday on the calendar Christmas. The idea of a store sponsored Thanksgiving parade did not originate with Macy's however but with Philadelphia's Gimbel Brothers Department. At 9AM on November 27, 1924 was the beginning of the Thanksgiving parade. -
The First Motel
Arthur S. Heineman was the inventor and primary architect of the motel. The Motel Inn originally known as the milestone mo-tel is the first motel in the world it opened on December 12, 1925. It is located in San Luis Obispo California. -
The Greatest Mississippi Flood
In the 1926-27 the rain were so heavy that on the tributaries of the Mississippi the water had overflowed the banks, causing flood to the west in Oklahoma and Kansas to the east in Illinois and Kentucky. The rain came down over several hundred thousand square miles, covering much or all of the states of Mississippi, Illinois, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, and Louisiana. -
Mickey Mouse Stars In Steamboat Willie
In 1928 Mickey Mouse stars in steamboat Willie the first commercially success animated cartoon to use synchronized sound. Disney's third Mickey short debuts as a sneak preview at Universal's colony theatre located at Broadway and 53rd street in New York City. It was shown before the film Gang War. -
Great MIgration