Nicholas II Crowned Tsar of Russia
NIcholas II was adbicated the Tsar of Russia after he got crowned giving him rule of the Orthodox Church and then he was overthrown later on in his life, after getting overthrown he was killed. -
Russo-Japanese War
The Russo-Japanese War started on Feb 8, 1904 and ended on September 5, 1905. Military conflict in which a victorious Japan forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy in the far East. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday was feared by all people that weren't royal, they were given demonstrations killing many people. Georgy Gapon was the father of Bloody Sunday. -
The Revolution of 1905
The revolution of 1905 was sparked by a peaceful protest causing a huge War. -
After the first world war in 1914- 18 it sent the soldiers into a state of mutiny killing many people. The Duma was trying to prevent this from happening, they were the secret police for the Tsar. -
March Revolution
Discontent came to a head in Petrograd. Cold Winter with food and fuel shortages angering the Peasants. The Peasants were led by Rasputin. -
Russian Cival War
It accured because after November 1917 many groups had formed that opposed Lenin's Bolsheviks. -
October Revolution
The October Revolution / the bolshevik revolution. It was a seizure of state power instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917. Lenin described the Bolsheviks as "Vangard of the Proletariat" Proletariats are the working class people. The Bolsheviks were partnered with the White Army, the menzheviks. -
Treaty of Breast-Litovsk signed
The Treaty of Breast-Litovsk was a peace treaty between the new Bolshevik government and the Central powers. -
Russian Cival War Ends
The Russian Cival War lasted for 5 years then finally came to an end with a victory for the Reds, but that didn't change much in Russia. So Tsar Nicholas II singed the October Manifesto. Alexander Kerensky was a political leader before the revolution, he was a revolutionist. After Tsar Nicholas II was overthrown the Okhrana took over as rule. A lot of the revolutionaries were exiled to siberia during the Rusian Revolution. -
USSR is Formed
The USSR is Formed on this date, the USSR is the Soviet Union. USSR is an abreviation for the Soviet Socialist Republicans. The leader of the USSR was Joseph Stalin. Josheph Stalin soon assasinated Trotsky.