History Timeline

By bvera
  • Hitler was named chancellor of Germany

    Hitler was named chancellor of Germany
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
  • France and England declare was on Germany

    France and England declare was on Germany
  • British and French troops evacuate Dunkirk

    British and French troops evacuate Dunkirk
  • Paris falls to Germany

    Paris falls to Germany
  • The Lend-Lease Act is signed into law

    The Lend-Lease Act is signed into law
  • Germany invades Russia breaking their "nonaggression" partnership.

    Germany invades Russia breaking their "nonaggression" partnership.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
  • U.S. declares war on Japan

    U.S. declares war on Japan
  • Japanese Americans are sent to internment camps

    Japanese Americans are sent to internment camps
  • U.S. Navy wins the Battle of Midway

    U.S. Navy wins the Battle of Midway
  • D-Day: Allied invasion of Europe begins

    D-Day: Allied invasion of Europe begins
  • Six marines plant the U.S. flag on Iwo Jima

    Six marines plant the U.S. flag on Iwo Jima
  • President Roosevelt dies at his retreat in Warm Springs, GA

    President Roosevelt dies at his retreat in Warm Springs, GA
  • Hitler poisons his wife and kills himself

    Hitler poisons his wife and kills himself
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
  • U.S.S Indianapolis is sunk by a sub leading to the worst shark attack in history

    U.S.S Indianapolis is sunk by a sub leading to the worst shark attack in history
  • The atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima

    The atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima
  • The atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki

    The atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki
  • Japan surrendered to the United States

    Japan surrendered to the United States