History Timeline

By Senuji
  • The War Of The Spanish Succession

    The War Of The Spanish Succession
    The War of the Spanish Succession was induced because of the death of the Spanish King Charles II. North America and the English battled for the land of Acadia. The Coast of St. Lawrence was apart of Acadia, and had resources that greatly benefited the fur trade. After this war had taken place, the French claimed the military base, Newfoundland, and St. Johns, while the British claimed Port Royal and Acadia. This war had lasted from 1701 to 1714.
  • The Treaty Of Utrecht

    The Treaty Of Utrecht
    The Treaty of Utrecht, which is also called the Peace of Utrecht, was signed to conclude the war between the French and the British. This also was a benefit when it came to regulating each nation’s areas.
  • The Establishment Of Halifax

    The Establishment Of Halifax
    Halifax, Nova Scotia was originally developed by the Mi’kmaq peoples. After the War of the Spanish Succession had ended, the first European settlers to arrive in the Halifax region were the French, who then later advanced to establish the Colony of Acadia. The Acadians consisted of French and British descendants.
  • The Expulsion Of The Acadians

    The Expulsion Of The Acadians
    The expulsion of the Acadians was due to strain and uncertainty, just as New France and the thirteen colonies were at war. They were given two options. One was to either vow their allegiance to the British crown or forced to get off their land. Acadians were forcefully taken from their homes and watched as their villages were set to flames. Many Acadians had died due to diseases, starvation, and etc. Their lives after the expulsion were of torment.This event lasted from 1755-1764.
  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War
    The Seven Years War, also known as the French and Indian War, was the great war between Great Britain and France. This was caused by French and colonists, which then emerged into a European conflict which associated France, Austria, and Russia against Prussia and Britain. The Treaty of Paris, which was signed in 1763 after the Seven Years War had ended, officially determined the claim the British had over the Thirteen Colonies. This event lasted from 1756 to 1763.
  • The Treaty Of Paris

    The Treaty Of Paris
    The Treaty Of Paris was signed in Paris after the Seven Years War had concluded and insured the control British had received over the Thirteen Colonies.
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    The Royal Proclamation was a fundamental document between the relationship of the First Nations and the Crown. This was created in the first place because it was to make sure there was war reconciliation between both nations, in order to have no wars corrupted.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    After the Seven Years War had ended, the British had fallen into major debt, which then led to the King of Great Britain to massively tax colonists of the Thirteen Colonies. This made the colonists enraged, so they proceeded to threaten and protest against the government. Later on, they created a rebellion group, which would soon be known as the American Patriots. The American Patriots fought against the government.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    After the Quartering Act had passed, the Stamp Act was put in place. The new tax appointed all American colonists and obligated them to pay a tax for every single piece of printed paper they used. Once again, the colonists were furious and decided to rebel against the government.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    The Townshend Act was a series of share that was popularized into the English parliament and the Townshend Acts instituted duties on glass, paints, lead, paper, and etc. All these goods were being imported from Britain. This had the colonists raging with anger, so they rebelled against the British government. By 1770, the colonists urged for violence.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was set to take place during the night, as a group of Massachusetts colonists impersonated as Mohawk Indians, and boarded three British tea ships that were docked in Boston Harbor. They then advanced to depot the 342 chests of tea into the water. This midnight invasion was a protest against how the parliament had taxed tea, and that had made infuriated.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was to meet the obligations of the government of the Province of Quebec more effectively. So, the French were given Quebec as an offering after the Seven Years War. The British government was in critical debt and were unable to pay it off, so Quebec was given so peace would remain between the two nations. It was also given as religion played a major part as to why this war had taken place.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution had emerged from increasing tensions between Great Britain's 13 North American colonists, and the provincial government, which had been a representative of the British Crown. Once France had become involved with the colonists, the war had become an international rivalry. After the French had played a part in assisting the Continental Army to force British to surrender in Yorktown of Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had conclusively won their self-sufficiency as a country.
  • The Constitutional Act

    The Constitutional Act
    The Constitutional Act was the action of how the British Parliament invalidated certain parts of the Quebec act of 1774. British law had alternated the province of Quebec’s government to incorporate the settlers that spoke English, who had came from the United States, prior to the American Revolution. The Western half had become Upper Canada and the Eastern half became Lower Canada. Upper Canada gained it's English law and institutions, while Lower Canada obtained French law and institutions.
  • The War Of 1812

    The War Of 1812
    The War of 1812 was a major conflict that was battled between the United States and Great Britain, over true accusations of British offense of U.S military rights. Reasons as to why this war had taken place included British attacks in order to inhibit the U.S trade, the Royal Navy’s American seamen impersonation, and America’s wish to be able to enlarge their territory. The United States won the war, and celebrated their victory as a “second war of independence”.
  • The Rebellions Of Lower Canada

    The Rebellions Of Lower Canada
    The history that started the three main battles of the Rebellion of Lower Canada were two substantial controversies that devastatingly affected Upper and Lower Canada. One was how in the government, there was the deficiency of speech, and the second was the loss of economic growth. These issues then led to the French having war with the British. Le Patriotes had won the first battle, but the Britsh won the last two, leading them to victory. This war had taken place from 1837 to 1838.
  • The Union Act

    The Union Act
    The Union Act resulted in Lower and Upper Canada being composed as one country with same culture and nation and established a new political individual called the Province of Canada. This act had allowed the language of French to become apart of the official government, and Canada became a country of Canadian and French.