History timeline

  • 3300 BCE


    Prehistory is the period from the appearance of the first human beings to the invention of writing. Prehistory Division: 2,500,000 years B.C. up to 3,500 years B.C.
  • Period: 3300 BCE to 476


    It begins with the birth of writing in 3300 BC and ends in 476 AD with the fall of the Roman Empire.
  • 1000 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    Ancient Egypt was organized into 2 kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt. From the year 3000 a. C. were unified in a single kingdom that had a monarchical, absolutist and theocratic government: Monarchical: in Egypt a single king ruled. Absolutist: the pharaoh had all the power.
  • 1 BCE

    Ancient Rome

    Ancient Rome
    Rome was founded in the year 753 B.C. being ruled as a monarchy. The origins of the city are unclear, but the leading theory is that it was founded by the twins Romulus and Remus, descendants of the Trojan hero Aeneas. Romulus was the first of the 7 kings that the city of Rome had.
  • Period: 476 to

    Middle Ages

    Began in 476 until the discovery of America in 1492
  • 1000

    ancient Greece

    ancient Greece
    The locutions Ancient Greece and Ancient Greece refer to the period of Greek history that spans from the Dark Ages of Greece, beginning in the year 1200 BC. C. and the Doric invasion, until the year 146 a. C. and the Roman conquest of Greece after the Battle of Corinth
  • Period: 1492 to

    Modern Age

    Takes place in the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries is characterized by cultural progress etc.
  • Period: to

    Contemporany Age

    French revolution in 1789 to the present