Missouri compromise
This event involved the north and the south.what took place in the event was confirming that Missouri was the border of free and slave states This event took place in congress ,Maine and< Missouri. this event helped abolish slavery by confining it. -
Period: to
history timeline
Wilmont Proviso
this event involves the incoming states from the war of mexico. Things that happened in this event were the government trying to decide what was free and what was slave. The event took place in congress. Why this matters is trying to keep the balance of free and slave state. the impact this had was this helped abolish slavery -
the compromise of 1850
this event involves the north and the south.what happened was they tried to solve the controversy of slavery. This event took place in congress. The compromise of 1850 was meant to help prevent the civil war.this actually helped cause the civil war. -
fugitive slave act
this event involves the north and the south. During the event a law was passed that made any escaped slave returned to his owner. This event mainly occurred in the north but it happened in the south as well. The fugitive slave act happened so the southern farmers could get their "property" back. This event was a particular contributor to the start of the civil war. -
uncle tom's cabin
this event involved the north , the south, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. Harriet wrote a book called uncle tom's cabin. This took place all over the country of U S A. She wrote the book to bring people's attention to the issue of slavery. helped get the abolitionist movement going. -
Kansas Nebraska act
This involved the states of Nebraska and Kansas. This act gave the Kansas/Nebraska territories the ability to vote by popular sovereignty. This event took place in Kansas Nebraska and congress. This act allowed popular sovereignty to decide if the state was admitted into the union as a free or slave state.This event helped differentiate the northern and southern borders concerning Kansas. -
Dred Scott case
this event involved a man named Dred Scott. Dred Scott sued for his freedom. This took place in the supreme court. Dred lived with his owner in 2 places where slavery was illegal so he said that is what made him a free man. The reason this was significant is because some other slaves might follow Dred's example and sue for freedom. -
Lincoln Douglass debates.
This series of debates involved Abe Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. This event was a series of debates around the country. Douglass was outraged at Lincoln's beliefs towards slavery. These debates help create the picture of honest Abe. -
John browns raid
This raid involved John brown and Some other men John and His men Raided Harper's ferry one of the largest weapon stockpiles in the U S. The raid occurred at Harper's ferry. This was a call to slaves to rebel against their masters. This started an uproar in south mainly slave masters. -
southern secession
this event involved south Carolina and Abe Lincoln.south Carolina seceded when Lincoln became president. This took place in south Carolina. For the south to try and prove they could get their way this was the south trying to keep slavery. -
The election of 1860
Yet again we have Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglass in the ring of politics. This event is the 1860 presidential election. All candidates campaigned around the country. This as to get a new president because what ever leader we have will dictate the future of the country.