History Timeline

  • The French Indian War

    the French Indian War was known as a 7 years war when in fact it took place for 9
  • The Proclamation Line

    The Proclamation Line was a British-produced Boundary it was decreed on October 7th 1763
  • The Sugar Act

    British legislation wanted to end the sneaking trade in sugar from the French and Dutch
  • Stamp Act

    it was originally for expedience but the Parliament wanted it as a sign of power
  • The Townshend Acts if 1767

    The Townshend Acts were some measures taken by the British Parliament in 1767 that added tax to goods brought to the American colonies But American colonists had no say in Parliament America thought of it as an abuse of power
  • The Boston Massacre

    It was a street fight between a mob and the British soldiers
  • Tea Act

    "In an effort to save the troubled enterprise, the British Parliament passed the Tea Act in 1773." - google Sep 25 2019. the act granted companies the right to ship tea
  • Boston Tea Party

    Angry ant the British Boston started dumping their tea in the ocean
  • Intolerable Acts

    the Intolerable acts were laws made by the British in 1774
  • Continental Congress

    people talked about Protest the ruin of British goods to make the rights of Americans and planned for a Second Congress