Election of 1800
TJ and John Adams battled for the presidency and had to be elected through Congress voting. TJ was a Democratic-Republican and John Adams was a Federalist. This election was the first time that one party replaced another in power. -
The Louisiana Purchase
Delegates sent by Thomas Jefferson attempted to buy a claim from France, but instead got a deal for 15 mil. dollars for the entire Louisiana Territory. -
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The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark were sent by Thomas Jefferson to the Louisiana Purchase to explore anything and everything about it. -
The War of 1812
The War of 1812 was issued during Thomas Jefferson's presidency. Great Britain impressed American sailors for their war against France. This lead to the useless Embargo and Non-Intercourse Acts. The pressure to go to war forced Thomas Jefferson into war with Great Britain. The US and Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent ending the war. -
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Growing Nationalism and American System
The growing Nationalism began after the War of 1812. This sparked the idea of the American System. The American System was created by Henry Clay and it contained the thought to build the economy, create a national back, and to create one type of currency. -
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The Cumberland Road
The Cumberland Road was the first government made road that traveled from Cumberland to Wheeling. -
James Monroe gets elected
James Monroe, a Democratic-Republican was elected in 1816 as the 5th president of the United States. James Monroe was the creator of the Monroe Doctrine. -
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The Erie Canal
The Erie Canal was an attempt to create a water way that led from Albany to New York. The construction of The Erie Canal started at 1817 and ended in 1825. -
Convention of 1818
The Convention of 1818 was a treaty between Great Britain and the US over Canada. This treaty set the border at 49 latitude between Canada and the US to the Rocky Mountains. This Convention also resolved the fur trade issues in Oregon. -
Adams-Onis Treaty
The Adams-Onis Treaty was a treaty signed between Spain and the US. This treaty settled all border disputes while Spain gave the US Florida for claims on Texas. The US leaders also agreed to pay 5 million of US citizens' claims against Spain. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
The McCulloch v. Maryland was a supreme court case that stated that Congress would not have the power to create the national bank. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was agreed by the Congress (urged by Henry Clay) which settled the conflict that had arisen from Missouri's application for statehood. This compromise had three main conditions:
1. Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state.
2. Main would join the Union as a free state, keeping the number of slave and free states equal.
3. Slavery would be prohibited in any new territories or states formed north of 36 30' latitude-Missouri's southern border. -
Monroe Doctrine
The Monroe Doctrine was a document created my James Monroe. The Monroe Doctrine contained 4 major points, these points are stated below.
1.US would not interfere in European nations
2. US would not interfere with colonies that already existed in N. and S. America
3.Western Hemisphere off limits to future colonies
4. If other countries interfere = a hostile act. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
The Gibbons v. Ogden was another Supreme Court case that stated that states could not interfere with the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. -
The Election of 1824
The Election of 1824 was between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. Andrew Jackson a war hero won the popular vote but did not win enough electoral votes to win the presidency. Adams was accused for a corrupt bargain with Henry Clay to win the presidency.