• First Industrial Revolution 1760-1840

    First Industrial Revolution   1760-1840
    It had its origin in England. The steam engine was the base on which all the development that was brought about as a result of the Industrial Revolution was based.
  • American Revolution 1765-1791

    American Revolution    1765-1791
    England is very bad economically so it raises taxes on the 13 colonies located in America (The Stamp Act). These colonies are not silent, then the American Revolution is created.
  • French Revolution 1789-1799

    French Revolution   1789-1799
    The upheaval was caused by widespread discontent with the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of King Louis XVI, who was killed by the guillotine. Although he did not achieve all of his goals and at times degenerated into a chaotic bloodbath.
  • Napoleonic Empire 1804-1815

    Napoleonic Empire    1804-1815
    The first Napoleonic empire was the largest, most institutionally uniform European state in modern times. Napoleon's personal rule was first consul of France and emperor.
  • Independence of Spanish America 1808-1833

    Independence of Spanish America    1808-1833
    Were numerous wars in Spanish America with the aim of political independence against Spanish rule during the early 19th century. These began shortly after the start of the French invasion of Spain during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • European Absolutist Restoration 1814-1820

    European Absolutist Restoration   1814-1820
    European absolutist restoration means returning to the type of society that existed before the French Revolution. All this happened after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo the victorious powers will meet in Vienna, and will impose what has been said above.
  • Liberal revolutions of the first half of the 19th century.

    Liberal revolutions of the first half of the 19th century.
    This gave rise to a new wave of revolutions
  • Revolution of 1820

    Revolution of 1820
    Concentrated in the area of Mediterranean and Russia. Some monarchs initially acepted the constitutions, but in the end they imposed absolutism.
  • Revolution of 30

    Revolution of 30
    Affected practically all of Europe. It began in France, and spread to Belgium, which achieved the independece of Holland, and then to Spain, Portugal and Italian and German states. Once power was taken, liberal leaders limited rights and freedoms.
  • Revolution of 1848 1848-1849

    Revolution of 1848   1848-1849
    It started in France and then spread throughout much of Europe. It is known by the name of "spring of the peoples". The causes were: The bad crops of 1847, especially potatoes, a staple food for the popular classes, and the denial of rights and freedoms to important sectors of French society.
  • Unification of Italy and Germany 1848-1871

    Unification of Italy and Germany   1848-1871
    The Unification of Italy: Victor Emmanuel II incorporated Lombardy into the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardina in the battle against Austria. Garibaldi conquered the kingdom of Two Scilies in the south, leading an army known as 'Expedition of the Thousand'.
    Unification of Germany: They aimed to unify Germany and exclude Austria, their political rival. Prussia defeated Austria in the Battle of Sadowa. Then defeated France in the Batlle of Sedan, incorporating Alsance and Lorraine.
  • Second Industrial Revolution 1870-1914

    Second Industrial Revolution   1870-1914
    It is the second phase of economic development. New sources of energy, new industries, advances in transportation and communications are created. There is a development of financial capitalism. There is competition in the international market.