history timeline 3/23/20

  • 3/5th Compromise

    The Three-Fifths compromise was a compromise between southern and northern states that helped insecure ratification of the Constitution
    three-Fifths of the population of slaves counted for purposes of the distribution of taxes and the number of members each state was allowed in the House of Representatives
    it Led to increasing sectionalism
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry in the United States. The removal of cotton seeds became fifty times faster.
    led to greater demand for slaves in the deep south.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States doubled in size. Manifest Destiny principle spurred Westward Expansion and the fight over slavery,
    this purchase gave the United States control of the vast lands west of the Mississippi.
  • Missouri Compromise

    the first confrontation over slavery in the West. Missouri applied as a slave state. The admission of Missouri would upset the balance of power in the Senate were at the time there were 11 free states and 11 slave states.
    In 1820, it was suggested that Missouri enter as a slave state and Maine, as a free state to keep the balance of power.
    affects were Cools section differences for a short time. Shows how the volatile the issue of slavery is.
  • Compromise of 1850

    California applied for admission as a free state and the balance of power in the Senate was threatened again.
    the Compromise of 1850:
    California entered as a free state.
    The rest of the Mexican cession was divided into New Mexico and Utah. In each state, voters would decide the (popular sovereignty) the issue of slavery.
    affect Intensified battle
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    the law was very controversial
    oIt required all citizens were obligated to return runaway slaves
    people who helped slaves escape would be jailed and fined
    effects Law enraged Northerners because it made the team feel a part of the slave system. Persons involved with the Underground Railroad worked to subvert the law.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Stephen Douglas of Illinois proposed that Nebraska be divided into two territories – Kansas and Nebraska.
    the settlers of the new territories would decide whether they would be slave or free.
    southerners supported the act, while Northerners felt it was a betrayal.
    affect Thousands of pro and anti-slavery supporters flood Kansas to vote and fight for there position on slavery – Civil War about to erupt.
  • violence in kansas

    bitter violence is through Kansas. 200 fatalities.
  • the state secede

    lincon caused seven southern states to secede and form the Confederate States of America;
  • fort sumter

    the confederate attack on Fort Sumter begins civil war