Period: 1550 to
Scientific Revolution
The scientific revolution, was a movement that begun in 1550-1700. This movement was made to make the science more independent from church. -
Period: 1550 to
The enlightment is a movement that wanna it to promote culture and philosophy and the people rights. -
Period: to
Glorious revolution
The glorious revolution was the first important revolution in were thye removed the England's king to put another. -
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Enlightment Absolutism
The enlightment absolutism, is the poost movement of enlightenment in wich sovereigns believed they neede to be more open, and follow enlightened ideas. -
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Seven years war
The seven year war is the war is a conflict between european counntries, to mantain their control in silesia north america an India. This war is important because after this american revolution begun. -
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Stamp act
After the seven years war britain lost a lot of money and decided to put taxes to the american colonies. This act was one of the main things to start american independence. -
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Boston tea party
the boston tea party was one of the first acts that prooved that american colonies were unhappy with the brittish taxes. Here a group of guys decided to do a sabotage of british products. -
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First continental congress
In this congress representatives of the british colonies decide to boycot economicly the british actions in response to what they hat been doing. -
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Second continental congress
In this congress the representatives of colonies decided to prepare the wart¿ to fiht the british and the chief of the army was George Washington. -
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American Independence
Here the americans fought the british army to take the control of he colonies. France was involved too and helped americans with armament. -
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Declaration of independence
The declaration of independence is the last act from americans to claim their independence. In this one they also make a declaratrion that every man was born with the same rights and free. -
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Treaty of Paris
In the treaty of Paris some states recognized USA as a country and here USA was officially acountry.