History Timeline

  • 99,999 BCE


  • Period: 99,999 BCE to 3500 BCE


    It begans whith the appearence of the human, about 4 millions years ago.
    it finished whith the appearence of the writting.
  • 3500 BCE


  • Period: 3500 BCE to 476


    It begans whith the appearence of the writting.
    It finishes whith the fall of the western roman empire
  • 476

    fall of the western roman empire

    fall of the western roman empire
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle age

    It begans with the fall of the western roman empire.
    It finishws with the discovery of America
  • 1492

    descovery of America

    descovery of America
  • Period: 1492 to

    Modern Age

    It began with the discovery of America
    It finished with the French revolution
  • French revolution

    French revolution
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Age

    It began with the French revolution.
    It doesn't finish yet
  • Actuality
