History Timeline

  • 8000 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    8,000- 30 BCE
  • 7500 BCE

    Turkey: Catalhoyuk

    7500-5700 BCE
    One of the worlds first cities and largest and best preserved Neolithic settlements known to archaeologists.
  • 7200 BCE


    7200-4000 BCE
  • 6500 BCE


    They were connected to the world's first sewer systems
  • 4500 BCE

    Mesopotamia Sumer

    4500-1900 BCE
  • 4500 BCE

    Mesopotamia: Sumer or Sumerian

    Were the first river valley civilization
  • 1975 BCE

    Egypt Middle Kingdom

    1975-1640 BC
  • 800 BCE

    The Roman Empire

  • 793 BCE

    The Vikings

    Were ship builders and they invaded Britain
  • 770 BCE

    Yangtze River Valley

    770-476 BCE
  • 750 BCE

    The Archaic Period

    Development of art
  • 600 BCE

    Mesopotamia Babylon

    600-539 BCE
  • 550 BCE

    Mesopotamia Persia

    Founded by Cyrus the Great, conquered in 550 BCE
  • 525 BCE

    The Persian Empire

    Largest empire in human history
  • 455 BCE

    The Dark Ages

    Following the decline of the Roman Empire
  • 340 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    Became king at age 20 and set out to conquer the Persian Empire
  • 49 BCE

    The Roman Civil War

    Caesar began civil war with an illegal military
  • 30 BCE

    End of Egyptian Empire

    Nile Valley was conquered
  • 1095

    The Crusades

    Rome called for a war to take back the Holy Land from the empire of Islam
    1095 – 1492
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    Began in Florence
  • 1347

    The Black Plague

    "black death"
    1347 to 1351
  • 1428

    The Aztec Empire

    Migrated to Mexico
  • 1492

    The Columbian Exchange

    Transfer of plants, animals, culture, human population, technology, diseases, and new ideas between americas, west Africa, and the old world.
  • Jamestown, Virginia

    First permanent English Colony
  • Sugar Act

  • Stamp Act

  • Boston Tea Party

    Overtaken by the Sons of Liberty where the tea was dumped overboard into the water
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

  • American Revolutionary War

  • Bunker Hill

    Took place on Breed's Hill. Americans attack the British
  • Declaration of Independence

  • Battle of Saratoga (NY) Victory

  • U.S. Constitution

    Describes how the US government would look. Provides 3 branches
  • George Washington

    1st President
  • Louisiana Territory

    Purchased by Jefferson from France
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Explore the New West
  • Sacagawea

    Joined Lewis and Clark
  • The War of 1812

  • Treaty of Ghent

    officially ended the War of 1812, the US did not gain or lose territory
  • Trail of Tears

    Made journey on foot to Indian Territory
  • Dakota Uprising

  • The Battle of New Orleans

    Andrew Jackson's arm defeated the British
  • The Civil War

    Northern victory that ended the institution of slavery
  • The Tea Act

    Reduce the massive surplus of tea held by the British East India company
  • Radical Reconstruction

    Slaves given rights as voters and gained a voice in government
  • Radical Reconstruction

    Slaves given rights as voters and gained a voice in the government
  • Custers Last Stand

    Battle of Little Big Horn
  • Wounded Knee

    Massacre on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian reservation
  • Spanish Civil War