Brown vs. Board of Education
A supreme court case in which the court declared state laws of seprate schools of blacks and whites to be uncontitutional. Oliver Brown sued the court of not letting his daughter go to a white school. The case was taken place in Topeka, Kansas. The court ruling was all in favor of Brown. -
Civil Rights Act
Presidents Johnson signs act of 1964. The act outlawed discrimantion of race, color, religion, sex and national origin. -
Freedom Summers brings 1,000 youth civil rights volunteers in Mississippi
The Rev. George Lee
A reveran who was killed for leading a voter-registration drive -
Lamar Smith
Mudered for oranizing black voters. -
Emmett Louis Till
Mudered for speaking to a white woman. -
John Earl Reese
Slain by nightriders who were opposed to school improvements. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa was a civil rights avocatist who got on the Montomery city bus. She sat behind the ten sits reserved for the whites. A white man got on the bus and the white seats were filled up. The bus driving told the people sitting were Rosa was sitting to move. She refused to move. Rosa than was arrested but didn't go to jail. She died in 2005. -
Montgomery bus boycott
Blacks started to boycott the bus system. They sat at the front of the bus and refused to move. -
Bans segergated on buses
The supreme court bans segregating on Montgomery buses. -
Willie Edwards JR.
Killed by Klansman -
Civil RIghts
Cngress pased its first civil rights act since reconstruction. The laws stated that African Americans had the right to exercise their right to vote. -
President Eisenhower
President Eisenhower orders federal troops to enforce school desegregation in LIttle Rock, Arkanass. -
Mack Charles Parker
Taken from jail and lynched. -
Sit in by Black Students
Black students stage a sit-in at "whites only" lunch counter in Greesbero, North Carolina. -
Outlaws Segregation
Supreme court outlaws segregation in bus terminals. -
Freedom Riders
Freedom Riders attacked in Alabma while testing compliance with bus desegregation laws. The Interstate Commerce Commission and the Congress of Racial Equality helped the Freedom Riders who were white and black. -
Herbert Lee
Voter registration worker killed by white legislator. -
Voter Registration Drive
Civil rights gorups join forces to launach a voter registration drive. -
CPl. Roman Ducksworth Jr.
Roman Ducksworth Jr. taken from a bus amd killed by police -
Paul Guihard
French reporters killed during Ole Miss riot. -
Ole Miss
James Meredith was the first black man to enroll at the Univeristy of Mississippi. He was accpted twice the first time was declined when the Univeristy found out about his race.He filed a law suit agaisnt the court, they ruled agaisnt hm but eventually the case made it to the supreme court and they ruled in his favor. He went to Mississippi University. On the firsr day the door was blocked and riots erupted. Troops were to sent the riots. -
William Lewis Moore
William Moore was slain during one-man against segregation. -
Children Attacked
Birmingham police attacked marching children with dogs and fire hoses -
Alabama Govenor
George Wallace stands in a schoolhouse door to stop univeristy intergration. -
Medgar Evers
Medgar was a civil rights leader he became very well known. He was a very easy target for those against his belifes. On June 12 Medgar was shot in the his driveway in the back. -
March on Washighton
20,000 people marched on Washinghton for a political rally for jobs and freedom. Martin Lurther King Jr. gave the famous "I have a dream" speech. -
Church Bombing
Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Cynthia Wesley were shoolgirls killed in a bombing of Sixteenth Street Baptist Church -
Virgil Lamar Ware
Youth killed durning a wave of racist violence -
Poll Tax
Poll Tax outlawed in federal elections -
Louis Allen
Louis was a a witness to a murder of a civil rights worked who was assassinated -
The Rev. Bruce Klunder
Rev. Bruce was killed protesting consturtion of segregated school -
Henry Hezekiah and Charles Eddie Moore were killed by Klansmen -
Period: to
history timeline
Freedom Summers brings 1,000 youth civil volunteers to Mississippi
Slain Ciivl Rights Workers
James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michel Schwerner were civil rights workers abducted and slain bu klansmen -
LT. Col. Lemuel Penn
Killed by Klansmen while driving north -
Jmmie Lee Jackson
Civil rights marcher who was killed by a state trooper. -
State Troopers beat back marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge
The Rev. James Reeb
March volunteer who was beaten to death