History Timeline

  • 4000 BCE


    2 .The wheel was invented in the 4th millennium BC in Mesopotamia. It forever changed our lives. With the wheel we were able to get easier transportation to places that would take days to get too.
  • 3100 BCE


    2 .Hieroglyphics was a way of writing. It predates cuneiform. Symbols and drawings represented letters, and words. It was made before 3100 BC.
  • 3000 BCE


    1 .Papyrus was a writing material similar to paper. Ancient Egyptians used this to write on. Papyrus was made from the papyrus plant, a reed which grows in the marshy areas around the Nile river. It was used as early as 3,000 BC.
  • 2017 BCE


    1 .Farming started almost 12,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. This enabled people to produce surplus food. This helped Mesopotamia grow as a society and helped them survived.
  • 105


    2 .Chinese culture is rich in arts and science. We can clearly see that china is a really artistic place. Like I mentioned before china had a great time of invention. One of the oldest was paper. It was made in 105 AC.
  • 478


    1 .Buddha was a religious teacher In India. Buddhism was created by Siddhartha Gautama more than 2,500 years ago. They believed in three main things : karma rebirth and impermanence.
  • 1280


    1.China once had an Invention age. It occurred through the years of 960-1280. Some of the world's most important things were made through that time. For example, gunpowder, the compass, and printing.
  • India

    2.India is truly a fascinating place. India gained independence from the British in 1947. Led by gandhi. Ghandi did a peaceful protest that was non- violent and achieved to bring India to independence.