James Cook Comes in contact with the Nuu-chah-nnulth
Pemmican Proclamation
Law made that you could not take food from Assinboia without a license. -
North West Trading Company joins Hudson Bay Company
George Simpson Becomes Govenor of Northern Department
Furs Transported to Fort Vancouver
Furs traveled down the pacific region to be recieved in Fort Vancouver. Fort Vancouver became the largest Hudson's Bay Company fort, wich later became their headquaters. -
George SImpson Govenor and Cheif of Ruperts Land
Fort Langley Built
Headquaters of the HBC. Built on Lower Fraiser River. -
Ruperts Land Belongs to HBC
King Charles II granted ruperts land to the HBC -
The United Province of Canada Created
James Douglas Builds Fort Victoria
Treaty in Washington
The Treaty established the bounderys between American and British Teritory. This resulted in Fort Vancouver belonging to the American Colony and Fort Victoria belonged to the British. -
Vancouver Island Became a British Colony
Vancouver Island became a British Colony. Mainland teritory called New Calidonia, many fur forts there. -
Imigrints Settle in West Canada
Treaties Made with First Nations
James Douglas signed 14 treaties with First Nations on Vancouver Island. -
Gold Rush in New Calidaonia
New Calidonia struck gold! -
New Calidonia became a British Colony
The main land of Vancouver Island, New Calidonia, became a British Colony. -
The Colonnies of Vancouver Island and British Culombia United
Both Colonies united to make one large colonie called British Columbia. -
Americans Arive in search of Gold
Americans from San Franscio Arive. -
Acadians deported to New Brunswick
Acadians deported by british to New Brunswick -
Canada West and Canada East lose trading status with Great Britian
many economic strugles