History Timeline

By 2180
  • Dien Bien Phu

    Battle which would cut suply lines to French. Taken by the Vietminh.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Segregation unconstitutional in public schools. Ruling was unanimous.
  • Rosa Parks

    Boarded bus, and asked to move to rear but refused, was arrested sparking new uprisings in civil rights.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Martin Luther King Jr. started the boycott of the bus system because of their participation in segration.
  • Geneva Accords

    Divided Vietnam along the 17th Parallel. The west in control of the south, and the north controlled by Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh.
  • Crisis in Little Rock

    Governor of Arkansas Orval Faubus defies federal government and places National Gaurd troops around school, restricting African Americans from entering.
  • Civil Rights Legislation

    Protect the right of African Americans to vote.
  • Sit-ins at Woolworth's

    Starting with 4 students, sit-ins exploded in use as a method of desegregation of restaurants and other public places.
  • Kennedy Takes Over

    Continued support of South Vietnam. Had to appear tough on communism to prove Democrats ability to deal with the issue.
  • Kennedy Elected

    Promoted Civil Rights Act, and named 40 African Americans to high level positions in the government.
  • Emergence of Freedom Riders

    In an attempt to desegragate the buses in the south, man African Americans rode south on interstate buses, protesting the segragation of the buses.
  • Violence in Birmingham

    MLK took protest to Birmingham, in order to up the stakes, and requiring the government to take a stand on the issue of segragation.
  • George Wallace Announcement

    Declared segragation forever and always in the south.
  • Overthrow of Diem

    Weakened South Vietnams Government. Forced US to become even more involved.
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Gave federal government power to prevent racial disrimination and made segregation illegal in most public places.
  • Selma March

    March on Selma, Alabama with the focal point being the right to vote.
  • Credibility Gap

    Making large gains in Vietnam, while media covered much less optimistic accounts of the war, less and less people believed we were doing as well as we claimed.
  • Tet offensive

    Suprise attack on military bases in Vietnam, during the Vietnamese New Year Tet.
  • Vietnamization

    Plan which involved US withdrawl of troops with the South Vietnamese assuming more of the fighting.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Leaked information about views of government officials in the White House, who publicly criticized the war, but were secretly against it.
  • 26th Amendment

    Allowed people 18 years of age right to vote, which is where a lot of the opposition to the war was.
  • United States Pulls Out

    Signed aggreement "ending the war and restoring the peace in Vietnam."
  • South Vietnam Falls

    North Vietnam launched a full scale attack on the South. Without US support the south fell to communism.