history timeine

  • panama becomes a nation

    panama becomes a nation
    the united states decided to fight for the freedom of another nation in exchange for the ability to build and have exclusive access to a canal
  • the opening of japans harbors

    japan opens its harbors to trade
  • triangle shirtwaist factory fire

    triangle shirtwaist factory fire
    dozens die in a factory fire because the doors were locked to prevent people from leaving work
  • the purchase of alaska

    the US purchases Alaska from Russia. at the time it was considered a bad idea
  • rebellion of puerto rico

    puerto rico rebels and America claims it
  • hawaii becoming a terriory

    we plant people of power in hawaii's government and threaten to wage war on the tiny nation. wisely the queen surrendered
  • the boxwe rebellion start

    america starts to hate Chinese and other Asian people and blames them for many common issues
  • boxer rebellion end

    the boxer rebellion ends
  • construction begins on the panama canal

  • sumner and social darwinism

  • ford motor company is established

    the motor giant is born and automobiles hit the mainstream
  • war in the philippines begins

    we fight for yet another nations freedom and take it for our own
  • philippines become a territory of the united states

    the war in the Philippines ends
  • roosevelt establishes to first wildlife refuge

    roosevelt establishes to first wildlife refuge
    a huge step in conservation is taken by the progressive president
  • roosevelt corollary is released

    before Roosevelt left office he left the Roosevelt corollary to set some of his ideas in stone
  • swift company v. united states

  • women get the right to vote

    the women's suffrage movement is finally successful in getting women the right to vote
  • NAACP is established

    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's is created
  • child labor laws are passed

    children finally are free from working in harsh conditions and can focus on education
  • industrial workers of america is established

    industrial workers of America strove to make working conditions safer and more sanitary
  • the jungle is published

  • meat inspection act is passed

    roosevelt gets the meat inspection act passed
  • taft elected

    president Taft is elected into office
  • mexican revolution begins

    mexico starts a civil war and the country is devided
  • woodrow wilson is elected

    woodrow Wilson is elected president of the United States
  • 16th ammendment is passed

    established an income tax or levy from all American citizens
  • 17th amendment is passed

    allowed Americans to vote directly for senators and senate
  • federal reserve is established

    federal reserve is established
  • panama canal is completed

    the canal that would make trade easier was completed
  • mexican revolution ends

  • roosevelt elected

  • pure food and drug act is passed

    foods must be free of contaminants and pass inspection
  • Period: to

    rebellion in cuba

    cuba wants to be independent and we help them then take their freedom