History Time line USSR

  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    War with Japan over Manchuria where Russia gets destroyed by Japan. Which is an embarrassment for Russia and starts protests against the Czar
  • Duma is created

    The Duma was a legislative executive assembly whose purpose is to create reforms in Russia. Little actually changed by creating the Duma because the Czar had veto power and shut down ideas he didn’t like.
  • Period: to

    World War I

    Trench warfare fought within Europe, which began with Russia, England, France fighting against Germany, Austria, Italy. Fighting would eventually expand to include other countries outside Europe.
  • November (October) Revolution

    Many small groups of revolutionaries called soviets claim to run their own local government over Russia. Soviets fight amongst each other to establish what form of government will be next. The Bolsheviks were a Soviet group under the leadership of V.I. Lenin. They stage a revolution to overthrow the provisional government and establish revolutionary socialism.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    The duma becomes the provisional government when Czar Nicholas II is forced to resign. He is forced to resign because he gets a negative opinion about World War I
  • Period: to

    Russian Civil War

    The war is fought between the Bolsheviks and the democratic/imperial armies. The Bolsheviks end up winning the Civil War and Russia and its neighboring areas established as the Soviet union which ruled until 1989.
  • Stalin takes over as General Secretary of the Communist Party

    Stalin takes over as General Secretary of the Communist Party
    He is seen as Lenin’s right hand man after Lenis death in 1924 Leon Trfski and Stalin fight for power until Stalin ultimately wins at the 13th congress of the communist party. The people believe they chose the lesser of two evils when choosing Stalin to lead and ignore Leni's final act. And over the years consolidates his power.
  • 1st 5 year plan

    After three years in power Stalin announces his first plan. He starts a series of crash industrialization that is supposed to transform Russia from a peasant society into a global power. Ginormous power plants are built for steal plants and industrial centers. These plants are linked by an extensive railroad system.
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    Stalins Great Purge

    Stalin orders the deaths of 90% of his political rivals or non-rivals just anyone that can hold power. He personally signed the death warrant of over 40,000 people and has the special police make them admit to being against communism and its goals. Gulags around Russia are set up. They are camps that they send prisoners to, to mine for iron and other valuables.
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin Dies
    After Stalin died he was succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev and the communist party began to fall apart.
  • Period: to

    Leonid Brezhnev leads Soviet Union

    He was the leader of the Soviet Union after Kruschev. Under his leadership the Soviet economy and quality of goods got worse.
  • Perestroika

    This made greater awareness of economic markets and the ending of central planning. This allowed for more independent actions from various businesses so money flowed easier
  • Gorbachev is named General Secretary of the Communist Party

    Gorbachev is named General Secretary of the Communist Party
    Ended the Soviet Union and allowed for more than one party to run in elections. He also opened up Russia to the rest of the world after a lot of economic problems.
  • Glasnost

    This allowed citizens of Russia to publicly discuss problems of their system and political solutions.
  • End of the Soviet Union

    This is basically when all the countries gathered in the Soviet Union declared independence and the great empire of the Soviet union was dissolved.